Monday, September 30, 2019

Family and Delinquency Essay

How is it developed and how is it Solved? Introduction â€Å"Abuse† and â€Å"violence† are considered to be terms that are believed to be the understatement of the actual situation that is happening in the society right now. It could be observed that through the years, the number of individuals being victimized by the said dilemma are undeniably increasing making the word â€Å"abuse† not just a word but one among the many things that people within the human society fear most. Abuse is the way by which people try to maltreat their fellowmen. This is regardless of the fact that the people being maltreated are either their friends or their family members as well. It could not be denied that this dreadful situation have affected the sections of human socialization already. The school institutions, the workplace, the churches and now even within homes, the existence of abuse cannot be much controlled anymore. This is primarily the reason why it is very important to take several things regarding this particular issue into consideration for studying. This would naturally allow a more focused procedure that shall be developed to assist abused victims both young and old, men and women to recover from the situation that they have been involved with when they were abused in the past. It is pretty much appalling to know how a highly established society could be afflicted by the different effects of the abusive acts that are brought about as one of the major disadvantages of the advancements of the society. What are the sources of these major abuses? Most likely, as psychologists and sociologists point out, people are moved to create possible ways of releasing their tension regarding several experiences through afflicting the security of others. Most of those who are noted as the ones victimizing others have been once victims themselves. On their own way then, they are trying to release the depression and the pain that they are afflicted with through passing on the dreadful situation to others as revenge to those who have once victimized them. The abusive acts and their effects on the victim do not end on the actual act of abusing alone. The results of the said incidents account for further impact on the personality of the victim primarily pertaining on his or her social interaction with the community that he lives with. Most likely, isolation and the feeling of lesser self-worth eventually develop. It could not be denied that these results are hardly expected by the victims before they were involved with the abuse that they were faced with. Certainly, it is through the memories of the abuse that the pain tends to remain in complete control of the victim’s major dealings with the society. At some point, the said victims tend to become socially avoiding as they actually fear that the same thing might happen to them again in the hands of other people that they may or may not know. The trust that they used to have on other people before they were victimized eventually fades making it harder for them to recover on the past that they have experienced. The World Reports and What They Pertain to According to worldwide reports, there are several abusive acts that are taken against the â€Å"weak ones† in a daily basis. Depressingly, the numbers of the victims never cease to stop. Even though there is a strong push on the making of the different laws and ordinances that are designed to protect people from being abused on the places that they are living or working in, it is undeniable that there is still a considerable annual rise to the rate of the population becoming victims of the said dreadful situation. As mentioned above, there are numerous types of abuses that plagues the society today. With the influences of media and other publications that provoke both sexual desires and violence, the desires of people to do something awful to others to simply comply to the thirst that they feel for themselves and the satisfaction that they ought to reach become much vivid and harder to avoid. Hence, pushing the abusers to come up with destructive acts that bring others into a devastating situation. It could be noted too through psychological studies that one cause of the ways by which people are moved to follow a certain path that leads them to abusing others actually involve depression and in depth disregard of one’s self. Most of the time, when depression and stress takes over the mental system of a particular person, the deciding power of the person begins to weaken hence making it possible for him to take massive steps of destructive acts that usually lead to them abusing other people. Yes, frustrations and unfulfilled missions or aims bring much depression on human individuals. When this depression is treated in the wrong manner, the situation becomes harder to control. Psychologists particularly note this as one of the failures of the nervous system to assist one in righteously deciding for what is supposed to be acceptably right to do when hard-to-deal with circumstances arise. The said failure gradually affects to one loosing his control over his actions. Add to the fact that there are those who take addictive substances that are directly affecting their decision-making capabilities thus making it harder for them to judge of whether what they are doing are right or not. The Personal Effects of Abuse and Violence As mentioned earlier, violence and abuse are two related terms that describe the destructive situation that most people who are less able to protect themselves experience on the hands of the oppressive sector of the human population. Hence, through the study that has been presented above, it could be noted that the results of the said incidents may either be positive or negative on the part of the individual that has been victimized by the said situation. The result becomes positive when the victims primarily learns how to defend himself the next time that the same situation occurs or in some way he or she has already learned to protect themselves from actually being involved in destructive situations based on the experience that they once had. On the contrary, the results may become negative if the victim begins to view the situation as an incident that could bring her or him to a fearful state against the systems of the human society. The state of isolation becomes and self-rejection is then added to the negative results of the said incidents. Involving the Family Amidst all the successes that the society achieves through the existence of technology and communication, it is quite disturbing how the situation of the most important sector of the society suffers so much. Family, as the basic unit of the social relationships, is the one receiving the most negative effects of technological and industrial advancements. Intimacy and attachment has been much a hard case to deal with when dealing especially with the modern married couples. The thoughts of long ago regarding the long-run relationship that marriage is supposed to be had been gradually changed by the fact that system of the society today have already changed as well. The priorities and the goals of individuals have already been exchanged with the need of being economically successful in the field of their own chosen careers. Sadly, although both men and women are aware that they were meant to share a special relationship based on love, only few are able to realize to understand the reality of the vows that they give at the brink of their wedding ceremonies. Marriage, as a â€Å"human contract† is a special bond that should be considered as a serious link between two people who are bounded by love. However, at some point, the view of marriage has been changed during the present era. Because of the social changes, marriage has been subjected to different challenges. Today, conflicts are directly bombarded towards the relationship of married couples that in turn makes the situation much harder to deal with. As a result, many among those couples simply end up in divorce. For many years, it has been a standard definition of a family to be referred to as a group of people who are related to each other and are thus bonded together by blood. The attachment within the said group goes beyond just the existence of a common blood, but it is further linked stronger through the existence of love. With the said advancements though of the society, the family is further subjected to facing several issues that concerns the strength of its ties. . Since time is lacking, the members of the family are having a hard time creating time for themselves to at least deal with each other through communication, in turn, intimacy is lost. This is specifically true with parents, or married couples. Because of the time that they devote to their jobs, they usually find it hard to balance their time to give each other attention for the sake of the development of their relationship. As a result, the love that they once have lost the love that they once had for each other because of lack of time, communication and intimacy, their relationship’s solidity begins to drift away. On the contrary though, Donna and Roger are among the couples who are able to meet the challenges of marriage amidst all the challenges both personal and familial that are presented to the society nowadays. Although there had been some rough portions of their marriage, it could be noted through the interview that they have managed to set through their differences and were able to make adjustments so as to give themselves some room to improve as individuals and as couples. It is undeniable that being married at a young age is something that is much harder to deal with that dealing with simply the challenges of marriage itself. Aside from all the financial problems, personal adjustments certainly needed to be given attention especially on the part of the interviewees. The highlights of their relationship could be noted to have nothing to do with gaining surmountable amounts of wealth but with that of being together with their family. Seeing things in a simpler manner makes it easier for young couples to see life in a much less-complicated matter of life. It is through this that they are able to give importance to the more caring to better things that wealth itself. True, they recognize that material gains add up to the happiness of the family since it gives the members a chance to enjoy the things they want without limits at least. However, this does not mean that the happiness of family members does not only rely on the influence of money at all. Instead, real family happiness relies on the fact that family members are still able to connect with each other through communication and simply by just being together amidst the busy schedules that each member of the family deals with regarding their work or school activities as well as house chores. Making sure that each member is given the attention that they need from the family is an important key to family success. A Therapeutic Approach The Family Assessment Device has been designed to measure improvements concerning the Family Therapy. In a busy and complicated world that families have to deal with these days, it is very vital every family be able to face the challenges of today’s world. Although at times, the hardships that families has to face makes it difficult for its members to keep close and intact relationship with each other. Aside from this, the results of such a complicated life leads to different emotional and physical depressions which makes it harder for every family member to comprehend to each other’s needs and be able to cope with life’s changes at the same time. This is why many families chose to undergo several family therapies to be able to solve the growing gap between their members and thus lead a better family life. The Family Assessment Device includes six major dimensions that are connected to family functioning. The said six major scopes of the said assessment device are the problem solving, communication, roles, effective responsiveness, effective involvement and behavioral control. The dimension on Problem Solving intends to measure the capability of a family to be able to face and solve certain problems that arise within the family. With the use of questionnaires having four possible responses on agreeing to the solutions suggested and disagreeing, each family is scaled depending on their answers. The other dimensions as well follow the same pattern of questionnaires. After answering the questions, each result shall be averaged, evaluated and concluded regarding the improvements of the family in the therapies they undergo. The standard results for the Family Assessment Device which concludes that the family has already improved through the family therapy is based on how well they have comprehended with the activities they undergo during the therapy. There are major ways on how to evaluate the changes in a family. One is through the statistical significance of changes observed, another is through the percentage of dropping below clinical cut-offs and finally through the magnitude of change between intake and termination. These three major evaluation processes helps the psychologists to scale the improvements that the family being observed has already incurred. Many experts have proved the reliability of tests and family assessments such as the Family Assessment Device effective. True, at times, the application of this assessment may not be that easy but the cooperation of the family under therapy programs would really help in making assessments such as this a successful program. At times, there might be some family members who would rather depend on their own understanding of the problems they are facing than referring their problems to experts. Usually, this makes the FAD application harder to apply, but as said earlier, constant assistance and assurance to the families that they are being helped and not exploited or whatsoever, the Family Assessment could be concluded to be successful. Conclusion As it could be noted through the studies and discussion presented above, the result of violence and abuse upon the victim simply depends on his or her perception of the situation that occurred. Someone who is strong and wise enough in facing life’s challenges may look at this particular experience as a lesson that would teach him to take full responsibility of the situation the next time that the same thing happens. However, a person who is actually frail in facing the surprises that life has to offer would break down upon experiencing certain devastating incidents. Yes, it is one’s development as a person and perception towards life and the challenges that it brings that would actually determine the ways by which an individual would be affected by violence or abuse. It is only through a person’s discretion that the effects of the said situations could be identified within the growth progress that that particular person would undergo. It is also upon the person’s discretion as to how he or she would actually allow the said incident to impact her personality as well as her social dealings. In the end, yes, it will all depend on the person afflicted by the situation. References: Sexual Victimization,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 18 (1994):303–318. Browne, A. , and Finkelhor, D. , â€Å"Impact of Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Research,† Psychological Bulletin, 99 (1986):66–77. Beitchman, J. H. , et al. , â€Å"A Review of the Long- Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 16 (1992):101–118. Cathy Spatz, â€Å"Child Abuse, Neglect, and Adult Behavior: Research Design and Findings on Criminality, Violence, and Child Abuse,† American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59 (1989):355–67. Pfendler, B. A. (1997, April). Validation of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) in an intensive family therapy program. Psychological Association, Washington D. C. Ridenour, T. A. , Daley, J. G. , & Reich, W. (1999). Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device. Family Process, 37,38. Sluttery, J. M. (1997). Predictors of Family Therapy Outcome. Unpublished data, Handout. Kabacoff, R. I. et al. (1990). A psychometric study of the McMaster Family Assessment Device in psychiatric, medical and nonclinical samples. Journal of Family Psychology.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ibm Case

IBM CASE STUDY – DECADE OF TRANSFORMATION The IBM's rise to the top and its abrupt fall followed by its decade of transformation, boldly highlights the importance of a solid strategy IBM was the synonym for greatness and profitability during early 1990's but the lack of company's ability to foresee into the future & its internal issues cost the company bigtime. It registered its first loss during 1991 mainly due to its inability to adopt to the customer centric PC industry.Phase 1: Incremental Improvement After registering his first loss, in order to cope up with its large fixed & warranty costs the company had no option but to cut back the employees perks & worse made forced layoffs. Eventhough there were products and process before hand they were not fully exploited. By 1993 about 40,000 employees were terminated Phase 2: Process Reengineering Change in management took place during 1993, Lou Gerstner was appointed as the new CEO. He immediately began the Phase 2 ‘Proce ss Re-engineering'.He realized rather than break up the company he decided to turn it around by going to market as ‘One IBM' – a centralized model where individual divisions pulled into as larger business groups . By 1994 the 155 data centers were trimmed to 3 regional megacenters fed by 11 server farms . The systems development process was also reengineered thus enabling the company to focus intensely. The results were positive,by the end of year 1994 the company registered a profit of 5 billion USD on revenue of 64 billion USD.Gerstner strongly believed in Putting customer first. He made sure that Individual sales group was formed and spearheaded by experienced managers dedicated for supporting the customers Phase 3: Emerging Opportunity Gerstner soon realised that eventhough the company could be recovered from its current state, it may not gain its supremacy as Tech Giant,with its current Business model. He started to focus on ‘Emerging Opportunity' provided by the Internet. By 1995 he decided that the company would focus on e-business.E-business was projected as IBM's strategy vision . Enormous capital were invested in Internet Products and services & many aquistions were done,which helped the company to shift from software applications to middleware. The two major acquistions were Tivoli btought for 700 million USD and Lotus for 3. 5 billion USD Phase 4: Business Transformation By end of 1999 with its current business IBM's innovation process continued to be focused within silos of existing line.Gerstner wanted to change this and the concept of ‘Horizon' was developed where the current and emerging business opportunities was classified among three Horizons H1 – Mature Business H2 – Rapidly growing business H3 – Emerging business Each Horizon had different organizational and leadership model to cater its different needs. Reasons for failure IBM ignored its commitment to customers to provide efficient high quali ty technical and customer support,moreover they tried to compete in every product category which eventually made them as Jack of all trades and master of none.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Resource Management in Multinational Banks in Tanzania Research Paper

Human Resource Management in Multinational Banks in Tanzania - Research Paper Example Standard Bank provides a variety of specialized financial services to the local population and is focused on the small business needs of the area. They have a formal hierarchy and channels of communication which run from top to bottom; making use of specific technology and softwares to manage their transactions smoothly. The strategic decisions, including HR functions are made in the Head Office with full operational control of all the activities taking place in each regional branch. The directives from the Head Office are issued to the regional Head Office and then passed on to the country branches. The Branch representatives are responsible for monitoring and implementing all the directives and for maintaining the company culture. Utilizing traditional African ideas and values the bank has a team based approach which fosters collective work mindset and a relaxed work environment. There is a structure enforced through physical space but communication is free flowing and relaxed with a mix of Swahili and English. The company is concerned with the personal and professional satisfaction of its employees stating that â€Å"The more we treat our employees fairly, the more they will work well for us† (Newenham-Kahindi, 2007). Standard Bank has strong training and development programs, bringing in expatriates for extensive training with smaller in-house training programs available as well. These training sessions incorporated input from the employees and allowed local participation. A worker’s committee made up of bank representatives also serves to protect employee welfare; even though it does not have autonomous decision making. In many ways the bank is attempting to be mindful of the local needs and the traditional work expectations. However some areas of improvement have to be management correctly as the bank moves forward. In recent

Friday, September 27, 2019

Negotiation Styel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Negotiation Styel - Essay Example An initial understanding of the GLOBE is essential in identifying basic differences and similarities in both cultures, in order to minimise any areas of potential miscommunication; the negotiation styles of Canadians will also form the scope of this report. The globe study is based upon the data, collected data from 62 countries and spanned a period of eleven years. (Eunson, 2008). The detailed research involving 170 researchers from countries across the globe identified the diversity of prevailing cultural norms across various nations and their influence on business and leadership styles. The study has developed a useful framework for understanding the differences and hence bringing people closer. The criteria for undertaking this research was based upon 9 variables called cultural dimensions. These nine dimensions are Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Humane Orientation, Collectivism I (Institutional), Collectivism II (In-Group), Assertiveness, Gender Egalitarianism, Performance Orientation and Future orientation (Requejo and Graham, 2008). The research delineated the total of 62 countries into 3 clusters; namely the Anglo culture, which comprises of English speaking countries like Canada, USA, Australia, the Southern Asian Cluster comprising of developing countries like Indonesia, India, Philippines etc. and the Confucian Asia culture comprising Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, etc (Javidan, and Dastmalchian, 2009). Since both Canada and Australia belong to the Anglo cultural cluster of the GLOBE study, they share many similarities. The countries in this cluster scored very high on power distance, i.e. an extent to which a community accepts and expects power discriminations. Also the score for performance orientation, described as the level of encouragement people of group displays for upgrading performance (Javidan, and Dastmalchian, 2009), is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discuss the activity in the laboratory that are designed to assure Assignment

Discuss the activity in the laboratory that are designed to assure Quality (Collection of specimen - Reporting ) - Assignment Example It is also important to collect the specimen with sterile instruments while preventing the specimen from coming into contact with any disinfectants (Stokes & Ridgeway 1980, p10). These precautions prevent the specimen from becoming contaminated while avoiding killing off any pathogens in the specimen. Lastly, there are specific procedures to be followed depending on the type of specimen being collected. Proper collection of specimens ensures that laboratory testing is accurate and safe. Once a specimen reaches the laboratory, thorough records must be kept for quality assurance and accuracy. It is especially important that care "should be taken to prevent reporting results on the wrong specimen and transposing digits in reporting quantitative data" (Kumari & Bhatia 2003, p160). The records must be detailed enough to determine any possible sources of error during testing. Keeping detailed and accurate records is essential for quality

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cultural Differences Can Be Difficult To Manage, Even if Anticipated Essay

Cultural Differences Can Be Difficult To Manage, Even if Anticipated - Essay Example Resource management, specifically, human resource (HR) management, can encompass a multitude of different tasks, depending on the needs of the company. International human resource management (IHRM) is usually a little more complex than resource management, as it deals with many different issues from taxation, government, culture, money, workplace values to customs and other such problems specifically geared to happen more within the framework of an international business climate than a domestic business climate. This means that a myriad of cultures, as they relate to international human resource management, are bound to either clash or conjoin. ... As P. Dowling states, "Once-safe markets are now fierce battlegrounds where firms aggressively fight for market share against foreignand domestic competitors." (Dowling,et al 1999.) In summary, according to the book, IHRM, (International Human Resource Management by Dowling, et al 1999), with current 21st century trends in place, a continued globalization effort in regard to the international marketplace is expected to keep growing to accommodate the diverse international marketplace. The Evolving Global Marketplace The 21st century international globalization effort is forcing IHR management to observe, familiarize themselves with, and provide custom solutions for similar upcoming issues for their own market sector. As this process matures over the next few decades, these companies will face many similar issues that other cross culture businesses have faced within their own corporate market. What used to be called 'communication and assertiveness' within the static bounded corporation has to now adjust to, and create clear communication across integrated supply chains, and a multinational work force, all of which can be working simultaneously on the same project. Successfully managing IHRM will give companies a strategic advantage. Companies who do not master this dynamic new facet of the global marketplace can, and will likely suffer equally dismal failure. For example, the world watched in awe, and then in disdain just a few years ago as the US space agency NASA attempted to land an explorato ry probe on the surface of mars. The multibillion dollar spacecraft crashed to the surface on Dec 3, 1999, and although NASA was slow to release details, information finally

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Importance of the class-system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Importance of the class-system - Essay Example on class in comparison to quality of character, the novels create intelligently woven tales that are rich in story and plot, while maintaining a relevant editorial on the socioeconomic relationships within their culture. In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the main character, Pip, experiences the many levels of the class system in nineteenth century England. Although such a rise would be near impossible, the use of one character to experience the many levels of the system allows the reader to create a structure and relativity between the lowest place where he starts his journey, to the higher end where he ends as an English gentleman. Although Dickens allows his character to have this journey, â€Å"The atmosphere and smell Havesham’s employ, or partaking of gentlemanly delights in London.† [1]. The reader remains aware of the rise that Pip has experienced and, when read during the time period, a personal impact was undoubtedly felt by this commentary. In exploring the class system in Great Expectations, Dickens is able to establish the importance of the system to the social culture, while making clear commentary on the true equality of the classes. As he develops his characters, we see that true worth is not measured in wealth or distinction, but rather in the quality of the character of an individual. Miss Havesham, a woman of means, is a twisted character who seeks to avenge herself on a boy and influence the growth and ability to form a good relationship by twisting the mind of a girl. In the bitterness of her ruined life, she seeks revenge through those who should have hope by virtue of their youth. Dickens displays an immense fascination with the prison system in his work. The character of Magwitch is quietly central to the theme of class distinction within the work. â€Å"As a returned convict who was been forcibly expelled, Magwitch in Great Expectations occupies a more complex position than mere ‘out sidedness’ and becomes a tool for a

Monday, September 23, 2019

The role of environmental management is one of the most rapidly Research Paper

The role of environmental management is one of the most rapidly changing areas of management. Its focus has shifted from reactin - Research Paper Example In the environmental management framework, there can be a number of competitive advantages (Esty & Winston, 2009). They include a company’s cost structure, customer, support, distribution network, and product offerings. This paper will discuss the shifting role of environmental management using the environmental costs to competitive advantage as the scope of the paper’s focus. Background Environmentalists regard environmental costs as one of the vital accounting information that necessitates the ability of management to handle its productivity and administrative decisions in order to achieve evaluation and performance of its work appropriately (Esty & Winston, 2009). In places where environmental costs are part of the major entrances applied by companies to enhance their capability to compete, chances of reducing costs, increasing competitiveness, and increasing profitability are high (Sharairi & Awawdeh, 2011). These situations are only achievable when a company focuse s much on ways of serving customers from the economic, health, and social perspective linked to the set goals. Particularly, the application of financial accounting and maintenance of financial statements is substantial for companies in general as it improves the aspect of acquiring the appropriate data and information for company activities (Hitchens, 2002). In order to get the relevant data which is capable of keeping accountable environmental costs that suit the management of the environment, companies must employ various methods that can provide this relevant information (Esty & Winston, 2009). However, literature reviews indicate that most companies are failing to achieve competitive advantage over their rivals in the market mainly because of lacking the essential tools for environmental management costs. This issue is causing such companies whole lots of financial losses, market advantage, and inability to comply with the set environmental rules and regulations (Hitchens, 2002 ). Without a doubt, there is a need to have pragmatic ways of addressing such issues in order to have these companies engage in better environmental practices, renowned ways of keeping compatible environmental cost records, and gain competitive advantage in the market (Sharairi & Awawdeh, 2011). Methods The research aimed at identifying the influence of environmental costs over the competitive advantage of companies in general but decided to consider, particularly, the pharmaceutical firms in Jordan (Esty & Winston, 2009). By the use of interviews, the study considered identifying the impact of all the prevention operational costs on the competitive advantage carried in pharmaceutical companies in Jordan. With questionnaires, the research aimed at identifying the effect the measurement and inventory activities costs have over the company’s competitive advantage (Sharairi & Awawdeh, 2011). Using qualitative and quantitative system of analysis, the study identified the impact o f control activities costs over the competitive advantage of the surveyed pharmaceutical companies in this city. Finally, the research introduced the use of filming, note taking, and recording methods in identifying the effect environmental failures have over the pharmaceutical companies in Jordan (Hitchens, 2002). Results and discussion After the study, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

African American Gay Rights Essay Example for Free

African American Gay Rights Essay I cannot begin to argue about African American/Hispanic LGBT, living in New York City and their civil rights without remembering the public outcry against black civil rights. Although the focus of this paper is on African American/Hispanic LGBT living in New York City and Their Rights to Marriage I have decided to start my paper of by discussing the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The civil rights movement of the 1960s and the continuing struggle against race-based discrimination were rooted in the struggle against slavery. As early as the eighteen hundreds the United States legislative had laws known as segregation laws that limited certain freedom to them. They had to live in separate neighborhood, attend separate schools, drive in the back of public buses verses in the front where Whites were; African American would not dare go against these laws back then because if and when they did, they were unjustly imprisoned, beaten lynched and more for just trying to exercise human rights. In the 1960s African Americans led a fight to remove the legally codified vestiges of slavery from our constitution and from state and local laws. Most repulsive among these, were Jim Crow laws that required racial segregation; African Americans had to endure all these things until The Civil Rights Movement. The modern concept of civil rights was pioneered by African Americans in their long struggle to become full citizens of the United States. From the Civil Rights Movement to the Stonewall Riots of 1969 to May 17, 2004, the LGBTQ movement has made some tremendous gains into mainstream society, a reality that has not been afforded to African Americans. The African American Civil Rights Movement gave birth to many other civil rights movements in the 1960s. African Americans not only made new law, their success gave new hope. Among the many efforts sparked by the African American Civil Rights Movements were the efforts to end discrimination against women, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, people with disabilities and lesbians and gays. Some African American still has one more river to cross because now African American LGBT are fighting a new civil war, the fight for same sex marriage; the right to be legally married. Currently, marriage has two distinct components: civil marriage and the religious ritual of marriage. Mixed-gender couples can have a civil marriage without the religious ceremony/ritual. Couples can have a religious ceremony/ritual, without a civil marriage. Some couples can choose both. However, to receive the legal protections of marriage, a couple must have a civil marriage, which is the only marriage that can be addressed by courts or legislatures. The LBGT believe that the rights and legal protections of civil marriage that are given to mixed-gender couples and families should also be extended to couples and families who are headed by same-gender couples. These include the rights of survivorship, inheritance, insurance, joint income tax filing, and a myriad of rights that many mixed-gender couples take for granted. For African American LGBT, state regulation has been particularly harsh. State sodomy law has had a way of preventing LGBT from acquiring some of the rights they are entitle to. Today, fewer than half the state has sodomy laws. LGBT recognizes New York City for being the birth place for many modern gay movements; however, New York has not yet passed any law giving LGBT legal protection and political support, (right to marriage being on of them). New York State gay rights bill, first introduced in 1971, still has not become law. While other states, like Vermont has established civil unions for LGBT, New York has not. Andy Humm writes that the biggest gay-related debate throughout the country right now is over government sanction of same-sex elationships. Vermont has gone the furthest, establishing civil unions for gay couples that confer almost all of the rights to which a married man and woman are entitled, though stopping short of full legal marriage. New Yorkers may travel to Vermont for the civil ceremony as of July 1, but there is some question as to what legal weight it will carry back home. The federal government enacted the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996 when it looked as if Hawaii might give same-sex couples marriage licenses. It barred federal recognition of legal same-sex marriages performed in any state and gave the other states the right not to honor such a contract. Thirty-two states have passed laws barring recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other states, even though no state or nation allows gay couples to obtain a marriage license. (Holland will likely be the first in 2001. ) A New York version of the Defense of Marriage Act is pending in Albany, but has not had a vote in either chamber. Bibliography Diane Silver et al. , The New Civil War: The Lesbian and Gay Struggle For Civil Rights (New York; New York:1997), 25-26 Andy Humm, The State of gay rights in New York, Available http://www. gothamgazette. com/iotw/gayrights/ (Accessed May 16, 2005).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Advertising to children Essay Example for Free

Advertising to children Essay Over the last few decades advertising has altered the lives of many and in particular children. Children are susceptible to what they see and are more prone to act on a whim. This research paper will analyse advertising which is aimed at children and will test the following thesis statement Thesis – Advertising misleads children in purchasing goods which they do not need. When you think about this, it may not seem that true. You could argue that you dont know anyone whose fashion or style is influenced by Hollywoods stars. But, you know youve seen people wearing Sean John or JLo brand clothing. Celebrities also influence fashion much more generally. Most fashion trends were either started or influenced by the big stars, says Ramon. Another key component of child intended marketing is the music industry. Stephen Kiehl of the Baltimore Sun says, You could be forgiven for confusing the Number 1 song in the U. S. last week with a commercial. The journalist also mentions that some musical artists are even paid to advertise specific products in their songs. A recent example of this is Petey Pablos song Freak-a-Leak in which the lyrics include, Now I got to give a shout out to Seagrams gin. Cause Im drinkin it and they payin me for it. According to the San Francisco marketing company, Agenda Inc. , 59 brands have been mentioned 645 times in the songs that have made it into the top 20 this year. Another large reservoir of advertising aimed at children is oddly enough, school. Looking right which really means fitting in, is very important for young teenagers, says LaRue- Robinson, a middle school guidance counselor in Forestville, Md. With students caring about how their peers are dressed, moms are beginning to worry; Its gotten really bad now with Tiny Teddies and Cheezels give a balance diet to children (Houlihan, 2005). On the other hand, some advertisements using prize to deceive children to buy their products. The video (Buy me that, too! 1992) explained how the television advertising deceptive children. From the Cereal Giveaways advertising, children can get a complete set of baseball cards easily (Buy me that, too! 1992. But the presenter said 73 boxes to get a good chance only, this result in expenditure increasing for parents (Buy me that, too! 1992). Therefore, television advertising directed at children is not fair, people can not allow deceptive advertising continue to misleading children, it should be forbid. Some people argue that if government do not allowed manufacturers to promote their products on children television, this will lead to destroy of the childrens product industry. This point of view is biased. Word-of-mouth is influencing children buying power. Harry Potter novel now is popular around the world, but the success is not from television advertising, the books themselves became successful are because of word-of-mouth between children (Blades, Gunter Oates cited in Proctor Richards, 2002). Without television advertising, childrens product has been successful in society, Harry Potter gives manufacturers an example that how to achieve success without to promote on children television. Moreover, television advertising is not only method for manufacturers to promote their products. According to the Australia Film Commission report (AFC, 2005), it is estimated the total advertising expenditure with Commercial Economic Advisory Service of Australia (CEASA). Television advertising is not the most important channel for manufacturers in Australia, newspapers is the first choice for manufacturers to promote their products. Also, from the study, manufacturers like to choose radio, magazines and other channels to promote their products (AFC, 2005). Furthermore, 78% of children and adolescents who use the internet do so at home (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). Internet has become an efficiency way for manufacturers to promote their goods. From the word-of-mouth advertising and study from AFC, people can find the answer easily that forbid the manufacturers to advertise on television will not destroy the childrens product industry. To escape advertising is nearly impossible; brand logos are everywhere. Even in outer space you cant escape it. In 1993 Schwarzeneggers underrated and misunderstood classic, (my opinion, Ill admit it! ) Last Action Hero had its logo painted on a satellite for a large fee, and will circle our planet for the next few thousand years. The soldiers fighting in Iraq, even as I write this, are carrying advertisements; the M-16A2 has a Colt logo stamped into its side, a reminder of who makes that quality weapon. Even in the remotest regions of our world artifacts with recognizable logos are found thanks to care packages. (The Gods Must be Crazy is a wonderful movie on this subject. ) Why do we tolerate such invasions to our lives? Largely because these sorts of advertisements slip under our radar, but also for identification purposes; if you came to my house and saw my entertainment centre, you might know what the DVD player, stereo and the television are, but if you are not familiar with gaming systems, you would have trouble distinguishing the X-Box from the Playstation 2 or the Gamecube. So that type of brand labelling does serve a purpose other than advertising in some cases. There are exceptions to the rule of slapping a logo on everything that we purchase, and a clear boundary that corporations will not cross; furniture. A simple scan of the room Im in shows that that my furniture has nothing denoting where it came from, although I do know that the mattress does have a manufacturers tag on it, my sheets cover it. Out of sight, out of mind. Advertising is becoming more and more a part of our society. The film Minority Report features a scene where advertising is everywhere, and customized to the person. This could be construed as an invasion of privacy, as every purchase of the individual is scrutinized and advertising is personally tailored to that person. This type of information gathering is already being tested in seemingly innocent places. Search for a book on and you will get recommendations for other products that you may also be interested in based on your search. (Houlihan, 2005, pg76) Advertisers are also starting to work under our radar. On the Internet, advertisers used to use tracking cookies to find out the places you went, what you purchased online and other information. Soon the pop up ad appeared to annoy just about everyone who saw them. Pop ups were preceded by E-junk mail, dubbed Spam. The problem has moved on to what have been dubbed Spybots programs that integrate into your browser program and report back the web activity to its source. Gator is the most infamous of these. The answer to the thesis statement based on this research paper is yes. To sum up, it is clearly shows that public should outlaw all advertisements that target innocent children. As this is good for childrens health and controls the increasing childhood obesity, and also is of great benefit to the relationship between children and parents. Parents are no longer afraid that children are influenced by unhealthy content of advertisements. Nowadays, more and more countries, like many European Union countries, implement a ban on childrens advertising. Children are a countrys future, protecting their wellbeing and healthy life is the most important responsibility not only for their parents but also for the whole society. References Derived from esbco host – The university of Winnipeg http://libproxy. uwinnipeg. ca/login? URL=http://search. ebscohost. com/login. asp? profile=web CNN. com Health America Australia Film Commission, 2005, what Australians are watching, [Online], Available: http://www. afc. gov. au/gtp/wftvisadrevenue. html [November 24, 2008] Baker, F. 2004, TV-Toy Ad analysis Worksheet, [Online], Available:http://medialit. med. sc. edu/toyadanalysisworksheet. htm [November, 24, 2005]