Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managing Ethichs and Social responsibility Research Paper

Managing Ethichs and Social responsibility - Research Paper Example In relation to the conception of business ethics along with social responsibility, Business Ethic Management (BEM) is viewed to be a process of analysing as well as minimising ethical issues or problems with the application of certain specific programs and effectual practices. There are varied important elements that are applied by different organisations for minimising ethical problems or issues that include formulating effectual mission statements and establishing standard code of ethics. It has been apparently observed that the people involved with an organisation are provided with business ethics related education as well as training in order to effectively operate their respective business activities in accordance with organisational objectives. Moreover, business operations of an organisation are required to be audited as well as reported in an appropriate manner in order to effectively analyze business performances by a significant level (University of Bahrain, n.d.). News Int ernational or NI Group Ltd (NI) is regarded as one of the renowned as well as the biggest publishers of famous British newspapers. The well-known newspapers published by NI are The Sunday Times and The Times. These newspapers which publish by the organisation are considered to be the best in consideration to quality. Furthermore, another well-known newspaper of the organisation named The Sun is regarded to be one of the most read newspapers in the UK that accounts to seven million readers per day (NI Group Limited, 2012). This discussion will emphasize upon analysing ethical as well as social issues that faced by NI. Moreover, the discussion will further focus upon the techniques as well as the standards that adopted by the organisation in minimising all these identified issues that are pertaining within the organisation. Ethical and Social Issues of NI NI is one the famous newspaper publisher in the UK that faced several issues or problems which have been identified to hamper the p erformances as well as the business ethics of the organisation at large. The organisation has faced the problems due to corrupt practices that were performed for investigating certain crime related activities or news reports. The major ethical problem that faced by the organisation is the phone-hacking investigation procedure. Moreover, the staff members of the organisation were also alleged that they were involved in accessing messages of general public along with comprising the celebrities as well as the politicians (Davies, 2009). Furthermore, one of the staff members named Clive Goodman as well as two other members of NI was identified to be involved in tapping the phone calls of Prince William, a member of royal family (Day, 2006). There was another event that hampered the ethical standards of the organisation considering the case of Milly Dowler who was murdered. In regard to this case, the members of NI were alleged that they erased messages from Milly Dowler’s mobile phone with the intention of acquiring future messages (Muller, 2012). Furthermore, the organisation is also charged with the crime of providing bribery to public officials for acquiring important information

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Budge and Financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Budge and Financing - Essay Example mains that by giving up control of the city’s water and sewer network to such an entity, a level of community sovereignty is given away for an indeterminate amount of time. Furthermore, the complexities of contract length and term also further complicate the issue. Additionally, the citizens are likely to question our overall commitment to this community if we are willing to sell our infrastructure to a foreign owned provider. Furthermore, the loss in shareholder trust will likely have a profound effect on the coming election and may even lead to certain elements within the community calling for the dismissal of the city manager. In this way, I believe the needs of the community can be better served by seeking domestic solutions to the price constraints and needs that our current budget grapples with. The main differences between visions of the budget process between chief executives, operating agencies, and legislatures can be described as a function of what each entity desires to obtain from the process. Starting with the operating agencies, the main concern is to ensure that the operating expenses for the coming fiscal year are met. Additionally, any pertinent policy needs/changes and/or expansions must also be raised. Similarly, the legislature has a vested interest in the process as they are trying to appease special interests that exist within their constituents as well as within certain operating agencies with which their particular political stance or platform has forged a special commitment to support (Kostyaev 5). Likewise, other entities within the legislature will be most concerned with denying funding in the most substantial way to reduce the overall budget to appease their own party/platform or constituents (Hale 368). Lastly, the chief executive is responsible for approving the budget, making any necessary amendments or suggestions and finally signing the budget into law. Most of the action with regards to this process occurs from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The evolution and adaptation of infanticide and siblicide

The evolution and adaptation of infanticide and siblicide INTRODUCTION LIFE HISTORY The term life history describes an organisms strategy of allocating time and energy between growth, reproduction and survival (Levin 2009; Bergon, Townsend and Harper 2008). Life history traits make up an organisms life history and include growth patterns, size at birth, size and age at sexual maturity, the number, size and sex ratio of offspring, parental care and length of life (Levin 2009; Bergon, Townsend and Harper 2008). The effect of finite resource availability on organisms for potential investment into growth, reproduction, and survival, is to set limits on life history traits, often referred to as trade-offs (Levin 2009; Bergon, Townsend and Harper 2008; Cotgreave and Forseth 2008). If an organism commits more time and energy into one specific life history trait, it will come at a cost, a reduction of time and energy that may have been available to one or more other life history traits (Levin 2009; Bergon, Townsend and Harper 2008). An example of this often observed in rela tion to reproductive strategies (Forbes and Mock 2000). Many reproductive strategies have evolved but are always subject to tradeoffs; it is a case of quantity versus quality (Forbes and Mock 2000). Life history traits respond like any other phenotypic trait to natural selection and therefore represent adaptations that have been made by organisms to their environments (Levin 2009; Cotgreave and Forseth 2008). The question; Offspring are difficult to produce and are a critical determinate of fitness. So how does siblicide and infanticide evolve as a life history strategy and are they adaptive? SIBLICIDE The demise of an individual as a result of another directly related individuals actions is referred to as siblicide (Anderson 1995; Godfray and Harper 1990; Anderson 1989). Siblicide may transpire among siblings or be brought about by the actions of parents (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Anderson 1995). Siblicide has been documented occurring in plants, fish, insects and mammals but has been best observed in avians (Holcomb 2001; Mock and Parker 1997). There are many hypotheses surrounding siblicide and why it occurs (Godfray and Harper 1990). Siblicide may take place as a direct form of assault on another sibling through physical attacks or expulsion from the nest, or may transpire indirectly in the form of exclusion from food by competition which results in starvation (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008). There are two forms of siblicide known as obligate and facultative siblicide (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Anderson 1995; Anderson 1988). The Brood Reduction hypothesis best supports facultative siblicide as an adaptive reproductive strategy that benefits both parents and surviving offspring in response to the event of unpredictable resource shortages (Forbes and Mock 2000; Mock and Parker 1997). The strategy is to hatch as many offspring as would normally be expected if conditions were optimal (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1995). In the event that environmental conditions are severe and the resources available are unable to meet the demands for all of the offspring to survive, sibling rivalry ensues and is anticipated to become fatal resulting in brood reduction (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Mock and Parker 1997). The reduction in brood size will then allow the parents to successfully raise the remaining nestlings (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Godfray and Harper 1990). Blue-footed boobies are well known for facultative siblicide (Anderson 1995; Anderson 19 88). They are capable of laying between one and four eggs, the average clutch size though is usually two (Anderson 1995). When resources are plentiful all of the chicks are hatched, and fledge, however, should resources be scarce, the first hatched chick will dispatch the younger siblings (Anderson 1995). Obligate siblicide is the occurrence of siblicide regardless of resource abundance (Anderson 1989). Parents regularly produce more offspring than they can successfully fledge and it is the case that one the first born nestling will eliminate the second nestling soon after hatching (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1989). The hypothesis that best supports obligate siblicide is the Insurance Egg hypothesis (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1989). The Insurance Egg hypothesis is the theory that parents actually produce a second egg specifically as a backup, in the event that the first egg fails or succumbs to predation (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1989). The cost of the second egg is essentially less to the parents than the benefit of producing that insurance egg should the first egg fail (Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1989). This overproduction is an adaptive response to the insecurity of offspring survival or v iability (Forbes and Mock 2000; Anderson 1989. In general, very few species of bird commit obligate siblicide (Anderson 1989). The masked boobies and brown boobies are two obligately siblicidal species (Anderson 1995; Anderson 1989). Blue-footed boobies, masked boobies and brown boobies all utilize the same life history trait of asynchronous hatching (Anderson 1995; Anderson 1988). There are differences however, between the asynchronous hatching times as a result of facultative or obligative siblicide (Anderson 1995; Anderson 1988). The length of asynchronous hatching is shorter in the blue-footed boobies than the masked or brown boobies, mainly due to the form of siblicide (Anderson 1988). The effect of asynchronous hatching on the nestlings is conferred in age, size and hierarchy of the first hatched nestling over the second or third nestling and therefore, the offspring hatched first has the competitive advantage over the later hatched offspring as a result (Anderson 1988). In regard to facultative siblicide, this manipulation by the parents in staggering hatching times can be viewed as a strategy to counteract the uncertainty of resource availability by bestowing the competitive advantage on the first hatched nestling should brood reduction become necessary in the event of a shortage of resources (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Anderson 1988). In regard to obligative siblicide, the first hatched chick will inevitably commit siblicide and therefore the advantages of being first born come into play (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Anderson 1989). INFANTICIDE The term infanticide can be described as the killing of dependent offspring by individuals belonging to the same species (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988). Infanticide is not limited to the killing of unweaned offspring, it can occur during the reproductive cycle, for example re-absorption of the embryo or abortion, and can be committed by females and males as well as offspring or other members within the social group (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008). Infanticide has been observed in mammals, including several primate species and lions (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988; Packer and Pusey 1983). The act of infanticide is an adaptive behaviour strategy to enhance individual fitness (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Agrell and Wolff 1998; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988; Packer and Pusey 1983). Infanticide of unrelated infants committed by males due to reproductive competition is supported by the sexual selection hypothesis (Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Borries et al. 1999; Agrell a nd Wolff 1998; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988). Under this hypothesis, infanticidal males secure mating opportunities and increase their chance of siring infants and therefore gain a reproductive advantage and increase fitness (Borries et al. 1999). African lions (Panthera leo) and hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) both live in groups consisting of one dominant male and a number of females (Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988). The residence time of the dominant male is usually short, approximately two years (Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988). Infanticide occurs as a consequence of a group takeover, one male gaining control of anothers group (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004). As a result of short term dominance status of males in these instances, it is to the advantage of the usurping male to dispatch of infants within the group so he can take full advantage of the females reproductive career (Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Borries et al. 1999). Both female langurs and lions share a common life history trait, they are almost always ready to resume sexual activity and begin reproducing after the loss of their unweaned infant; much earlier than they otherwise would if they still had care of their dependant offspring (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004). There is evidence to show that female primates and lions swiftly revert to estrus after the loss of their unweaned infant (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Borries et al. 1999; Packer and Pusey 1983). Whilst females are lactating, they are effectively unresponsive to further reproduction (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Packer and Pusey 1983). Therefore, the act of infanticide and the quick return of estrus as a result, ensures the females bear infants to the usurper much sooner than if the females had surviving infants (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Borries et al. 1999; Agrell and Wolff 1998). Infanticide is undoubtedly a major disadvantage for female reproductive success even though it may well be an adaptive behavioural strategy for male reproductive success (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Packer and Pusey 1983). As such females have developed counter strategies in an attempt to decrease their reproductive losses as a result of infanticidal males after a takeover has occurred (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Agrell and Wolff 1998; Packer and Pusey 1983). Research into these behavioural strategies has revealed a range of different tactics employed by females in an effort to rescue their infants from almost certain death (Hausfater and Hrdy 2008; Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Agrell and Wolff 1998; Packer and Pusey 1983). Some of the strategies employed may include leaving the group, sometimes in the company of the deposed male, aggressively defending the infant from attacks by the new male, repeatedly mating with the new male to confuse paternity of already pregnant females at the time of takeover, pseudo-estrus of already pregnant females or in some cases, the termination of an early pregnancy to avoid the inevitable (Agrell and Wolff 1998; Packer and Pusey 1983). CONCLUSION How and why siblicide and infanticide life history strategies have evolved has been the subject of great debate for many years. The results of studies conducted provide quite a lot of evidence in support of the different theories for both siblicide and infanticide being adaptive life history strategies (Kappeler and van Schaik 2004; Forbes and Mock 2000; Borries et al. 1999; Mock and Parker 1997; Agrell and Wolff 1998; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1988). In consideration of siblicide, studies conducted provide evidence in support of theories that facultative siblicide has evolved in response to the unreliability of resources and, obligate siblicide has evolved due to the uncertainty of survival or viability of offspring. Where infanticide is concerned, evidence favours the theory that evolution of this life history strategy is predominately an adaptive male behavioural strategy to increase reproductive success in response to short term dominant male status within groups. The act of infanticide i ncreases the males chance of successfully siring offspring while they hold the dominant male status. In response, females have evolved counter-strategies to reduce the impact of infanticide on their reproductive success. In conclusion and in consideration of the evidence available, both siblicide and infanticide life history strategies are adaptive even though they seem to be contradictory to the success of reproduction.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Online Pay-Per-View Movies :: Computer Entertainment Papers

Online Pay-Per-View Movies I choose to discuss the topic of the internet as a new medium for pay-per-view movies because I feel it is a very fresh and new topic that has not been discussed, nor received much attention. The onset of this new medium comes from an attempt to deter online movie pirates from stealing the movies to actually purchasing them for a low price. I feel this is especially important for me to be writing this on a college campus because that is where a great deal of movie pirating occurs due to the fast online connections that the universities provide. File sharing programs like Kazaa and Limewire run ramped on college campuses making this an interesting alternative to explore. With this subject hitting close to home, I choose to research it and find out why it would be a good alternative to the free downloads that we receive from online people to people file-sharing programs. While there are a few sites out there that offer this kind of pay-per-view service, I choose to specificall y focus on the site because it is backed by five major Media Corporations comprised of Universal, Sony, Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, Paramount, and Warner Brothers. For this reason, it was the ideal internet site to explore to show the recent trend towards getting new movies online, even if only for a short time. For this paper, I had to do a lot of research to find information on how the internet sites for pay-per-view movies worked, and how they were going to be marketed. Since the prevalence of this kind of internet site is very recent, I received the majority of my information from periodicals. For this, I did a lot of research on my University Library Site looking for newspaper and magazine articles from all around the world. I came up with a few very good articles that gave me a plethora of knowledge that I attempted to incorporate into my story. Since I choose to focus on the site, which is backed by the previously mentioned entertainment companies, I choose to make each of the CEO’s of the companies a character in my paper. It is important to note that none of these CEO’s ever met, nor do they necessarily reflect the personality traits that I created.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beauty in Architecture

Art has been around for so long that it has become an integral part of a human being's life. A thorough observation of all forms of art speaks of one common significance – art as the so-called â€Å"universal expression of the soul. † The ancient carvings in an Egyptian cave, the soothing melody of a harp, the beautiful words of a poet, and the abstract objects in a painting all define art as timeless, pure, and perfect. But how far can a universal language serve mankind? Can an old fine-tuned guitar or a gold-textured jug stand as a man's ally in his lifetime?It is somewhat ironic to admit to ourselves that we have gotten so used to the notion that the most beautiful will never be the most useful. One form of art though that has stood apart from this irony is architecture. In its most basic explanation, architecture is both a combination of a work of art and science to build and erect buildings. For a builder and designer called the architect, architecture is a monumen tal task. First, because it is an art that speaks of a meaning; and second, because its completion will serve more than man's desire for beautiful things.Architecture stands so unique from the rest of all artistic forms. A building will stand tall and proud for the entire world to see long after the beauty of the most expensive painting loses its appeal for the eyes. Architecture has a dynamic role to play and to sustain. One vivid example of its difference from all arts is a home. Inside a house are walls with paintings in every corner, an elegant piano in the living room being played by well-trained hands, and a long hallway lined with slender China vases about a foot tall.Overtime as the family living inside the house grew up and changed physically and mentally, so are their treatment for all these pieces of art. The hands that once played the piano may later find other interests to pursue, one or two of the vases gets broken into pieces because of carelessness or accidents, and the paintings may one day be moved to another room where no one can eventually look at it. A helpless and unhappy ways for these arts to retire. But not for the house.Children go to school, attend college, and get married but they always come back to the house that have been there since their birth. A few repairs here and there over the years, fresh interior and exterior paints, and an installation of new household technologies may be a part of the family’s growth but the house remains a house. A shelter and a fortress for mankind. It has protected the family from vicious storms and heavy rains, from the terrible heat of summer, from the freezing temperatures of winter. Above all, it has become a symbol of the family’s traditions and cultures.It no longer portrays a spacious neat place where children, parents, relatives, and friends can gather around comfortably. It has grown into something the inhabitants can be proud of because its structures and textures have been t ransformed into a representation of status, wealth, achievements, educational degrees, and even religion. This is only a brief and simple example of the importance of architecture in an ordinary life. Moving on to a broader and global view of the existence of architecture, we find buildings and establishments housing larger groups of people.From the family who lived in the house with occasional visits from friends and relatives, we shifted our eyes towards the cathedral or mosque in the city that symbolizes its flock of followers that goes in and out to worship and pray. There is also the hospital that is structured to accommodate as many sick patients as possible and the palace or mansion that epitomizes the actions and behaviors of a certain type of government and ruler. Bridges made of wood or steel provide a passage for fast and accessible transportation.The St. Basilica of St. Peter in Vatican became the seat of Catholicism in the world. Buckingham Palace symbolizes the royalty as the reigning ruler of Great Britain and the White House the powerful effects of a nation’s unity. The Chrysler Building exemplifies a wealthy businessman’s passion for automotives. Not only does architecture speaks of religion, government, and education, it also evokes feelings. The Great Walls of China was both a protection and defense from enemies in ancient Chinese times.Taj Mahal was a man’s undying profession of love for his wife and The Statue of Liberty was a gift of one nation to another. Architecture is more than an expression of our joys, anguish, rage, victories, and problems. Architecture must follow a strict set of guidelines before expressing man’s varying emotions. Tradition and culture lead the guidelines and principles in erecting and building. A man must design and create in accordance to the period or backdrop a piece belongs. Through architecture, the community and its inhabitants can speak to another generation their beliefs, righ ts, and traditions.When a building, a bridge, or a church has served its function, when we have declared architecture as more lasting than the rest of the arts, and when we have given the establishments too much credit for serving us loyally, we seek and desire for something more from them. As we evolved mentally and emotionally, we develop dissatisfaction for simplicity, plainness, and mediocrity. We use our common senses to start discerning that which is not plain, simple, and mediocre and the greatest tool for this task is our philosophy.And what better way to apply philosophy in architecture than to criticize a structure for its beauty or ugliness. Once we have applied this philosophy, we discover how sad our evolution has become. As our societies change forth into what we call a modernized world, our â€Å"modern† minds would dispose or discard slowly and gradually the old ways and traditions. There is no longer that appreciation for the artistic sides of things. They ha ve been dismissed as impractical, costly, and useless, turning everything we create into mere thresholds of function (McElwee, 1996).With this realization we go back to our dissatisfactions. Plainness and ugliness cannot stay visible forever, we consciously decide. It is no longer enough for a church to be just a place of worship. It has to speak through its design, color, and texture the religion of the people. To build a bridge is not only to nail pieces of woods and steel together and cover them up with solid cement. It has to be shaped in elegance and style. Monuments are not only a plain sculpture of a legend’s bust or body. It could be a palace or a beautiful arched tower. A business establishment is not merely a tall building.Its concept of design could be stemmed from a businessman’s view of a successful life. Even a house or an apartment is not at all roofs on our heads and walls on our sides. It could be an outstanding structure among its surroundings. This i s a tremendous challenge for architecture. It has to serve its basic purpose and function, and at the same time pass the critical judgment of philosophy, in this case, the philosophy of art and beauty called aesthetics. Of course there are always exceptions from the judgments and scrutiny. Poverty and economic instability are one.In modern America, the poorest has to live in dilapidated housings where shelter is the only option to survive the cold and the heat. The lower-class struggle everyday to earn a penny for food and clothing. An idea to build a beautiful and spacious home is too bleak to consider. Some might just dwell under the bridges or lie down on the side of the streets. However, modernization has almost found itself among the groups of the poor. It has created, too, a concept that a structure that serves a role other than functionality is simply preposterous. Style, color, and beauty are not among the plans of the design.They are costly and time-consuming for the owner. Architects are distressingly left with no choice but to build a cheap establishment that takes fewer amounts of time and effort. The concept of architecture has solely described the kind of life a man has with technologies around him. There is no longer a place for art and beauty in a vehicle and mobile revolution. A house or an apartment in this period is no longer designed with curves, arches, and elegance, but with dull straight lines that accommodate enough appliances and technologies the dwellers have in their life.Aesthetics can help our modern minds get back to the original fundamentals of architecture: that beauty is included together with function and structure (Gatto, 2002). There is so much more in architecture than anything found in a painting on a wall, a sculpture of a goddess, a song of an opera, and a rhyme in a poem. But one should never forget that architecture, too, could stand beside these forms of art and be functional and beautiful at the same time. What then are the criteria for beauty? Do we build houses, towers, and bridges the way we paint a picture or write a song?In a way, we do but, along with the history it represents, there are aesthetic values to consider. There has to be art and science in architecture. It is the aesthetic value of a piece of architecture that separates distinctly its function and purpose from the beauty and art in its form. It involves a calculative thinking of a mathematician and an expressive feeling of an artist. Beauty in architecture competes with beauty in nature. While nature has been the most beautiful and timeless piece of art ever created, architecture, too, has a responsibility to play as nature to man.A construction of an object has to make the nature in the background looked more beautiful and appealing. It does not destroy or diminish the surrounding to where it stood. Considering the background was a barren piece of land, the object doesn’t make the whole picture look uglier, boring, and dry. It has to stand out as a distinction from the place, like a garden in a dessert or a lighthouse in a terrible storm. And of course, its beauty has to sustain its purpose. To design and to build is also to preserve its function and appeal.It takes a specialty and an education to criticize a piece of architecture according to its beauty. According to Scruton, as cited in A Weekly Dose of Architecture website (2006), calling a painting or music beautiful is different from calling architecture beautiful. Only the keenest of eyes equipped with aesthetic knowledge can understand architecture’s details of structure, function and beauty. Beautiful for man is what he perceives as pleasurable to his senses. The colors of a painting, the sound of music, and the grace of a ballerina catches the eyes, the ears, and the sensations.It is man’s most basic instinct of his judgment of beauty. That which delights and pleases him is beautiful. That which irritates and disgusts him i s ugly. What makes certain things labeled as the opposite of beauty? A look at the surface of beautiful objects evokes timeless joy and appreciation. But to understand why it has delighted us takes a thorough observation and scrutiny of our eyes and minds. Beauty is an association and combination of the aspects of art – color, structure, shapes, texture, etc.A right combination of colors, a perfect variation of lines and angles, and a precise proportion of each shape constitute a very attractive model of beauty. As mentioned earlier, man’s mentality evolves and changes. Our judgment for beauty deepens together with our intellect. Our feelings towards pieces of architecture vary overtime depending on the type of piece. We may have an understanding tolerance for a house or a store lacking in repairs but we don’t give considerations to a government hall, a church, or a huge commercial building to become less than what they were originally created for.There are cert ain levels of judgment applied to different degrees of art. An architecture that houses, sustains, and encompasses a great number of dwellers requires greater attention and care for beauty and its preservations. Judgment is not only based in evolving intellects and mentality. So, too, can our emotions and beliefs towards certain things affect our taste for beauty. Religious biases, political dissents, racial and intellectual discriminations among other things provide a pre-conceived notion of how we view and react to things and objects.The grandeur of the Vatican may look commanding and dominant for others who see Catholicism as not entirely the perfect religion around. The White House may disgust other countries because of the government’s overbearing tactics in war. Even the handsomely restored Germany may forever be treated with dread and despise by the Jews affected by the nightmares of the holocaust. This is what the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant pointed out (In ternet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006). Man simply has this idea inside his head about a certain object. Through these ideas he forms his judgment and reactions to it.So when the object has been made visible in front of his eyes, he already discerns it as beautiful or ugly. There is none of the hard work done in a careful assessment and scrutiny of every tiny detail. According to Kant, there are at least four factors to consider in making a judgment of beauty. A man has to experience joy and delight in something he sees as beautiful. The perfect blend of colors in a rainbow makes him smile that is why he calls it beautiful. Our judgment has to agree with almost everyone else, in fact with the whole universe, making the object universal.The object has to have a role to play other than for display and viewing and creation simply has to serve its purpose that it has been designed for. In Kant’s Critique of Judgment, he emphasized the importance of an experience of observing be auty before judgments as to how and why it is called beautiful are being set up. In Christopher Alexander’s Nature of Order, Book 1: The Phenomenon of Life, he pictures the present generation of architecture as lacking in life (Mehaffy, n. d. ). He blamed architects for the sluggish attitude in designing and constructing buildings.Architects have developed a similar attitude with the people, that in a technology-ruled and fast-paced world we lived in, we neglect to put details in architecture that breathes life. According to him, life is the most fundamental foundation of a structure. Life is breathing and moving. Architecture should be based on this and not on the robotic and mechanistic way our technologies convey. In our modern scientific way, the use of art has slowly been diminishing. Before it happens completely, let us bear in mind that without beauty in it is like a lonely statue of a hero standing out in a cold hard rain.The statue has no life and it no longer feels cold or heat. But architecture is an essential part of our life. So its essence and foundation must breathe life. We must take comfort not only for the roof it provides above our heads but also for the pride it makes us feel because of its beauty. Architecture is both a responsibility and a privilege to provide and attract. It has to welcome and not to frighten anyone away. It has to project a remembrance of its existence and not to kill all the memories forever. Even an old uninhabited castle’s haunted feeling depicts the lives of the powerful family who once lived there.But in our time today, the ugly unoccupied building gives us the shivers not because of the memories left there but of the hideous structure of the place. Architecture should never lose its beauty. After all, its ability to be the symbol of both science and art is what sets it apart. A house, a church, a store, a town hall, and a community that is devoid in beauty lack the true essence and purpose of life â €“ creation. If we are indeed too practical, busy, and perhaps too frugal to incorporate art with our dwellings, then we are better off to live in cold hard unshapely caves. Works Cited

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Product Launch Marketing Plan Essay

Executive Summary Learning Team A has shown in the first two phases of the marketing plan that individuals exercise for a variety of reasons including obesity, addressed target markets (recreational, fitness, and professional athletes), decision motivators and buying behaviors (individual needs and health concerns), the Product Life Cycle, the four P’s, and the product mix. Within this final phase, Learning Team A will be discussing situational analysis, market growth potential and competitive analysis, segmentation, target market, and positioning, pricing and distribution, and marketing communication. Also discussed will be the financial aspect, intended market objectives for year 1, year 2 and year 3, implementation milestones, and finally, evaluation and control metrics and methodology to measure performance. Situational Analysis My Run Buddy offers a new innovation in fitness technology as the first voice commanded treadmill. Its product marketing on extraordinary combination of powerful design and features are the key factors for its product brand development and market growth in the fitness industry. Enhancing and implementing strategic marketing plan will also be essential to the success of My Run Buddy. Market Growth Potential and Competitive Analysis There are so many treadmills out on the market today, individuals try to find just the right one that will give them just the right workout for their lifestyle. With the innovative features that are installed on My Run Buddy, such as the Voice Command option, Learning Team A believes that this will escalate My Run Buddy to the top of everyone’s list of treadmills. Learning Team A estimates that with these innovative features, sales will be high and  profits will be generated. Learning Team A compared My Run Buddy with two different treadmills that are out on the market today, the LifeSpan Treadmill and the Life Fitness T5-0 Treadmill. After reviewing both of these, the one that comes closest to My Run Buddy is the Life Fitness T5-0 Treadmill. The Life Fitness T5-0 Treadmill has many of the similar features, warranties and price range; however, it does not have the Voice Command feature. The Voice Command feature is what is unique to My Run Buddy and everyone that uses this machine, whether it be at home or in a gym, will feel comfortable with the features and enjoy the easiness of programming it to their respective needs. Marketing Strategies The major strategies to market My Run Buddy are aimed toward health and fitness industries. According to Wellsource (2014), in the next five years, an increase of at least 4.2 percent within five years is projected for the demand in services and equipment for the multibillion-dollar health and wellness industry. My Run Buddy will reach out to male and female customers mostly between the ages of twenty to forty years old, which does not limit customers who are fifty years of age and above because of the growing demand to promote active health lifestyle for all ages. In addition to the market target stated, a small percentage of customers who may use My Run Buddy include professional athletes preparing for competitions such as marathons or the Olympic games. Positioning My Run Buddy focuses on its ability to become as the first voice commanded treadmill providing extraordinary combination of powerful design, comprehensive product features, and positive health and fitness results to its customers. Its major advantage compared to other existing treadmills is its capacity to offer personalized fitness workouts to ensure safe workouts based on each user’s health status, vital signs, and intensity of workout. Marketing Program Kotler and Keller (2012) mentioned that consumers often make the decision to purchase certain products based on how they perceive the price of the  product is rather than the marketer’s stated price. The automobile may cost $100,000, and if some customers perceive the particular price to be reasonable price for the automobile, they will purchase it based on their perception and not because of the fact that marketers set the price of the automobile as $100,000. Same customer may feel that $30,000 for different automobile is too expensive even though he or she felt that $100,000 for the automobile was reasonable for them because they perceive each products differently. Kotler and Keller (2012) also mentioned that customer are less sensitive to price of the product when they believe that 1) there are not too many similar products in the market that can replace the quality of the given product; 2) the high price of the product can be justified; 3) stated price of the product is just a small cost of obtaining unique product for the life time. Learning team A intends to set the price of the voice commanded treadmill to create the perception that the price of voice commanded treadmill is reasonable enough for a customer to purchase the customized treadmill that can enhance their health status for the rest of their lives. Rather than matching the price of the treadmill to another company’s lower price of the treadmill, Learning team A believes it will be beneficial for the company if the company can justify that customers are paying for superior quality of the voice commanded treadmill, and they are saving money for more value on the voice commanded treadmill by paying the stated retail price. Kotler and Keller (2012) stated that companies need to consider four different objectives when they are attempting to determine the level of effectiveness for their market logistics: 1) How should the company handle orders from customers? 2) Where should the company store their products? 3) How much products should the company store in the designated storage space? And 4) How should the company distribute the product to the customer? Learning team A believes it is best for customers to be able to order the voice commanded treadmill from the company’s internal website or the electronic commerce company, such as Amazon because customers do not always have time to visit the local retail locations to order the product. Learning team A believes the company should store voice commanded treadmill in warehouses located in west coast, east coast, and southern states and use  the fast transportation method, such as FedEx, UPS, and USPS to expedite the shipment process. Learning team A does not recommend the company to store excessive amount of voice commanded treadmill in their storage locations, but they suggest that company’s logistic professional and sales professional should work together to determine the projected amount of sales for the given period and attempt to clear out the amount of inventory if they become too excessive by promoting clearance sales events. Marketing Communication Plan Multiple methods of advertising and promotion for My Run Buddy will be used as part of marketing plan for reaching out to its target market. Kiosks will be installed in stores and retailers selling the product, where its shoppers will experience free product demonstration. Discount coupons, extended warranty, free product delivery, or free trial offers are also few promotions to be considered for customers. Other than kiosks in stores, My Run Buddy can also be offered for free trial or deals to different fitness locations such as LA Fitness or Gold’s Gym. Furthermore, advertising through multiple media such as print, online, television will be utilized to spread information about the product. Financial Information Our cost structure allow us to pass some savings and still have a solid 200% contribution margin which means that even if we start with low profit, we can sustain the operation enough to see the product establish in the market. Our Policy is to have certain allowances and discounts for wholesalers tie to our AR so our Promotional Pricing follow the following: Total Cost (Including Labor, Overhead, and Transportation) per unit: $2,000 US Direct Cost (Parts, electronic components, etc†¦) per unit: $1,250 US Contribution Margin Goal (Floor Price): $2,500 Sensitivity on Total Profit without marketing expense: Price 1: $3,600 (80% Profit) p unit Price 2: $3,200 (60% Profit) p unit. We will sell the Unit to the Wholesale at $3,600 with a contractual allowance to renew each year of 5% prompt pay discount (less than 30 days), and an additional volume (more than 10 Units per month) discount of 7% of  the marked price. This will allow the wholesaler the possibility to pay only $3,181 per unit if they pay on time and order 10 units per month. A savings of $419 per unit or 11.64% discount. Our closest competition based on the specs (4.0 Motor, Absorption pad, Monitor, etc.. but without the voice activation is the Life Fitness Club Series Treadmill ( with an average price in the US of $5,500. Financial Objectives To start sales with a minimum of 60% Profit To increase sales by 2% in Year 2, and another 5% Year 3 To keep plan under budget Break Even Analysis Cost to produce a treadmill unit (Direct Cost): $1,250 Fixed Cost (Annual Overhead): $9,000 ($750*12) If selling for $3,200, then we need to sell 5 Units to break even! ($9,000/ ($3,200- $1,250)) If selling for $3,600, then we need to sell 4 Units to break even! ($9,000/ ($3,600- $1,250)) If selling for $3,181, then we need to sell 5 Units to break even! ($9,000/ ($3,181- $1,250)) Marketing Expenses We are estimating a marketing expense (promotion, training, etc†¦) of $500 on Year 1, $400 Year 2, and $280 on Year 3 Per Unit; these figures are considered in the budget. Forecasting Demand We are estimating a total of 200 Units sales on year one with an increase of 2% in Year 2, and another 5% Year 3. We will keep the price the same for the first 3 years; therefore we expect the following each year: Year1: $636,200 in revenue with a 64.7% Profit Year2: $648,924 in revenue with a 64.7% Profit Year3: $681,370 in revenue with a 64.7% Profit Marketing Objectives Year 1: Establish the Product in the industry: To be one of the top 5 brands in the fitness equipment industry among the wholesalers and the consumers. Year 2: Increase Sales on a steady pace: To increase the number of wholesalers purchasing our product by 7%. Year 3: Brand Management: To ensure consistency between our brand licensing strategy and the overall business goal† and to focus on maximizing leverage of the brand. Implementation Milestones Milestones during this project will be the main guides to product progression and success. In order to determine whether the product development and launch is on track our team has decided to set in place milestone or timeline marks to stay on track. Our product will have 4 major milestones with different sub sectioned goals. The first milestone will be identifying customer needs and within this major category we have to accomplish the following goals; business problems, customer requirements, business opportunity, target application and technology requirements/abilities. The second milestone will be to accomplish understanding of the market opportunity. Within this we plan to accomplish industry trends, market size and growth, target market and finally market channels. The third milestone will be entering the market. Within this second major milestone we will accomplish product positioning, competitive strategies, pricing, marketing plan, sales strategy, sales tools and customer support. The third milestone will be a continuous process during the length of the product. The final milestone is generating revenue and the goals accomplished will be establishing partners, channels and leads. The last milestone will also be a continuous process for the length of the product. Milestones may be introduced and revamped depending on the shift of the product lifecycle. Since our team is aiming for continuous growth and success, we are aware that milestones need to be in place and also re introduced so that a cycle does not fail and we continue to succeed. Evaluation of Metrics and Methodology Elrod, Susan Murray, and Bande (2013) mentioned that there are four different categories of performance measures supply chain companies consider when attempting to determine the level of effectiveness for their supply chain management system: financial cost, quality, time, and flexibility. The cost to produce the product, the cost to distribute the product to the customer, and the cost to store the product in warehouse are some of the key  factors affecting the financial cost category of the supply chain management performance metrics (Elrod et al, 2013). Customer’s perceived value of the product, level of accuracy of the product, and the ability for a company to distribute the product safely to the customer without any damage fall under the quality category under the performance metrics for supply chain management (Elrod et al, 2013). Learning team A intends to incorporate similar set of performance metrics by evaluating production cost and inventory cost against the amount of revenue the voice commanded treadmill generated for given period of time to determine if the cost of product is exceeded by the revenue the product generates. Learning team A will also evaluate how fast the company can distribute the voice commanded treadmill to its customers without damaging the product and how well the voice treadmill can perform according to the specific features on the product to obtain customer loyalty. Contingency Planning According to (2014), â€Å"The need for contingency planning emerges from a thorough analysis of the risks that your organization faces. It is also useful in thinking about new and ongoing projects: what happens when ‘Plan A’ does not go as expected?†. Contingency planning is highly important to our team and will be the foundation we follow for risk assessment and planning. We will minimize error and failure by expecting the worse. What if the consumers do not want to buy our product, what if it doesn’t sell as much as we thought it would. By preparing for the worse we will be setting up for successful future. Our contingency plan will be to continuously conduct risk assessment regardless of how well our product is doing. Communicating issues and good ideas will be a constant goal within the product team and shareholders involved. If at whatever point we need to retrain or train personnel our team is equipped with the information to do so. We will keep documentation of successes and failures no matter how big or small. Finally we will evaluate performance and implement goals so that we are able to assess how well the product is doing. Conclusion In conclusion, Learning Team A has shown, within their marketing plan, that the Voice Command treadmill is a unique product that will generate large profits for the proper company in today’s society. Learning Team A has  also shown how this type of treadmill is more advanced than those on the market with the addition of the Voice Command feature and how it will be accepted in the long term by consumers looking for the proper workout equipment to maintain their health. With this new feature, Learning Team A feels that consumers will be drawn to My Run Buddy for their health needs as the innovative features lets them feel more comfortable working out and they don’t have to worry about calling anyone if there is a medical condition that arises, all they would have to do is tell the machine to contact the hospital. References Elrod, C., Susan Murray, P. E., & Bande, S. (2013). A Review of Performance Metrics for Supply Chain Management. Engineering Management Journal, 25(3), 39-50. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Wellsource. (2014). Market trends project more growth for wellness industry. Retrieved from Mindtools. (2014). Contingency Planning. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Professional success and personal failure of James M. Barrie In researching the many odd and bizarre happenings of our unique culture, it is certain that truth is often stranger than fiction. The first paragraph of James Barrie's classic story "Peter Pan" introduced its central theme: "All children except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up"‚Â ¦this is the beginning of the end." It sounds innocent enough, but a look at Barrie's life gives it a more sinister twist. Although J.M.Barrie wrote many plays and stories, it was said that "All of Barrie's life led up to the creation of Peter Pan," wrote James Merritt, one of his biographers.A pivotal point came in 1866 when James, (the ninth in a Scottish family of ten), was six years old: His brother David, the pride of the family, died in a skating accident. Barrie's mother was devastated. To comfort her, James began mimicking David's speech and imitating his mannerisms.James Matthew Barrie

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ancient Religions

Principal beliefs of Nordic religion and its meaning to adherents. The ancient Norse religion was commonly followed and practiced by people in northern regions of the world, such as Scandinavia, Norway, Iceland and surrounding countries. It was believed that the world first came about when a northern and southern land, Niflheim and Muspellheim, both joined together. Niflheim (house of mists) , an extremely cold, icy land and Muspellheim (home of desolation) the seemingly opposite of Niflheim, a hot, fiery land. As both lands joined together, the reaction of the contrasting temperatures caused the ice of Niflheim to melt creating the first two living creatures Ymer, the giant and Audhumla, a female cow. From these two the first Gods were created (Odin, Vile and Ve), and from them the first human beings were created by Odin from an elm and ash tree. Due to a disagreeance between Ymer and the God’s, the giant was killed and from his body, landforms and other living races were created. The gods were revered by many as they were the creators of the races and established the different parts of the world, the world tree or Yggdrasil included. The Yggdrasil is one of the principal beliefs in Nordic religion as it was known as the centre of their nordic universe, the world tree was said to have held nine different realms within its branches. The realms were situated in different areas of the tree at the top, within the canopy; Asgard (heaven) was located. This is where many gods lived including Odin in Valhalla. In addition to Asgard two other realms Vanaheim (home of the fertility god) and Aflheim (home of light elves) were located at the highest level of the world tree. These realms were known as â€Å"divine†. Norse folk believed that Midgard, the middle section of Yggdrasil held the human world. Along with midgard, Nidavellir, Jotunheim and Svartalfhiem, home of the dwarves, giants and dark elves were also present here. At the third and bottom level of the tree the two lands that created the first living beings are found. It is believed that Hel, the place of death, is part of the harsh, destitute lands of Niflheim. Hel is connected to one of the three main root of the world tree and it is known as the underworld, the second root leads to Jotunheim( realm of the giants) and the third is connected to the divine realm, Asgard. The roots linked together the different levels and realms of the tree, likewise Bifrost, a magical bridge located between Asgard and the human world, Midgard was another connection between realms, allowing gods an entrance into the mortal world. The Influence of the Nordic beliefs in society was great as followers of the ancient religion could identify with the extreme life conditions and harsh weather that was also portrayed in the Nordic creation story. The Norse saw their conditions of life as a blessing from the gods and often used these gifts to the greatest advantage for example men often became farmers, cultivators, tradesmen or traders. Women in Nordic society also searched for meaning and insight from the gods as they held powerful positions in the religion. Women played a strong part in the community and often had to run the villages when the Viking warriors were away. The Norse strived to maintain a balanced lifestyle from the influence of what they had learned and incorporated from the gods. Odin was known as a wise and great warrior and many Viking men chose to follow the same path by becoming a warrior also. I was believed that one of the only worthy ways to die was to die in battle. This factor greatly contributed to the decisions of the Norse men. When a warrior died in battle he would go on to Valhalla, in the divine realm, if not they would go to Hel. The Norse people not only sought meaning from the gods, but from the actions and rituals they performed.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Procrastination (Time Management) Personal Analysis Essay

Procrastination (Time Management) Personal Analysis - Essay Example Personally, my forms of procrastination are leaving my studies until the last minute as well as checking my mails and not replying them straight away. Having identified my forms of procrastination, I am planning to classify my objectives into smaller divisions that will be easier to do to stop procrastinating (Perry 2012, p.45). For instance, instead of waiting for the weekend to do a three hours studying, I am planning to take twenty minutes each day to go through my studies. This will ensure that I develop a culture of studying by doing so more regularly. Additionally, I am planning to get into the mindset that every task I do has a value (Arenson 2009, p.342) and this will help me not to feel that I am wasting my time when I reply to a single mail. I also plan to define my boundaries and allocate time to work, play and rest while ensuring that none of the three consumes time meant for the other (Andreou & White 2010,

History of Roman Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Roman Art - Essay Example They preferred to get the portrait of renowned people, the statues that fully resembled the actual person like the statue of Cicero. There was a common perception that keeping good pictures of the acquaintances would help their ghosts after death to remain happy. This perception helped the art form to flourish during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire (Kidipede, 2009). The Greek art influenced the Roman sculpture. For example in Augustus’ Ara Pacis (the Altar of Peace) reflects the Greek art in the swirls at the front, in the frieze and in the meanders below the frieze. In history, it so happened that the Romans started winning battles with Greece around 200 BC. Roman soldiers while parading in Greece saw their art forms in their temples, cemeteries, public squares and in the houses of Greeks. While returning back to Rome, they took Greek sculptors along to work for them (Kidipede, 2009). Roman art got enriched with new ideas by the third century. Element of war appeared prominently because of war with Germany and the bloodshed. The effect can be seen in the column of Marcus Aurelius where people are shown beheaded and without guts; they are depicted as suffering. Artists made more use of drill than chisel for easy sculpturing which provided a distinct feel of the sculptor Concerns of the soul got manifested in the art forms which were due to presence of Christians in the Roman Empire. Eyes of the persona are shown as looking towards heaven or gods, symbolizing spirituality. Rest of the body parts like arms, legs and head are not shown in proportion, showing least concern to the significance of the body. As there were no battles in the fourth century AD, warfare portraiture decreased but spiritual element remained prominent through big eyes and unbalanced bodies till the dethroning of the Roman Empire. Roman sculpture was unique form in itself by focusing on the individuality aspect in it although

Climate Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Climate Change - Research Paper Example It cannot be denied that GLOBAL WARMING was under consideration by almost every country and different measures are been taken to prevent but it is required on a very large scale with a contribution of every individual living in. It can be done in a lot of ways for example promote plantation, avoid using plastic products as it a non-biodegradable item and a main source of pollution, energy conservation, recycling of goods, preservation of natural resources, and banning the burning of fossil fuels which contributes highly in the destruction of the ozone layer which works as an umbrella or a shelter from strong sun radiations affecting the globe directly .All these factors are causing Global Warming which works as a driving force for the fluctuations in Climatic System. Climatic change does not only affect the nature but majorly affects the living beings. Whereas, drastic changes are coming up because of the activities done by the masses for worldly pleasures for which natural resources are continuously been misused and immeasurably been wasted. There are some major changes in the climatic system which occurs because of the rise in temperatures of the living world. Human Influences is directly propostional to the global warming. Following are Sub-reasons for the change in climate cycle: Orbital Variations Solar Output Volcanism Ocean Variability Plate Tectonics These are the regions where fluctuations occurs and affect the globe and each will be discussed thoroughly further in this report. It is recorded previously in surveys that Climatic Changes are affecting adversely on Biodiversity. This is alarming for the species which are already left with a handful numbers like Polar Bears, Indus Dolphins and many more. They are getting affected because of the change in eco-system occurring because of the changes in the earth’s crust. As the global temperature rises, it starts throwing off to cool down. Volcanic Eruptions is one of the cooling processes, when done with the eruption, the temperature of the globe drops down to 0.5 degrees. Same is the case is with Earthquakes and Ocean Variability. Footnote: (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Historical and Archeological Evidences: It is studied in the continuous research being done in this aspect and different historical and archeological evidences are pouring in that how the climate used to be in a particular region and how it has become after several years. Civilization changes also predict to a certain level of how the climate probably was. According to archeological evidences, researchers have put their efforts on different areas of life through which they might get to the key. Some of the under consideration areas of life which can predict or can give a clue to the present world that climatic cycle have changed to what extent and whether good or bad. The following are: Glacier changes: Glaciers are the most sensitive indicator of the climate change because of its immediate reaction to any changes in the temperature. There are two things which can contribute in the shrinkage and growth of the glaciers, they are orbital variability and external forcing. Evidences are found because glaciers leaves moraines that contain an anonymous amount of material including organic matter

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Daniel R. Headrick, The Tools of Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Daniel R. Headrick, The Tools of Empire - Essay Example He argues throughout the book, with reference to many well-researched examples, that pre-Industrial Revolution, the journeying, living and conquering of such regions simply was not possible, as the technology was just not available for this to be achieved, managed or sustained successfully. However, as Headrick argues, with the onset of the Industrial Revolution and the technological advances this forged, these technological advances allowed people to travel and live in countries other than their own, such that the expansion of the Empire became possible at this period in history. Continuing on from this general introduction, throughout the book, Headrick analyzes the technological advances that allowed this dominance to proceed, both by presenting a straight-forward mechanical analysis of the actions of the people and the inventions and technological advances involved, and by presenting a detailed analysis of secondary sources, which allows him to offer an interpretation of the thoughts and motivations of the people involved; this e... Thus, the text moves forward apace, discussing what could be rather dry historical texts and documents, in a light and easy to read manner. This use of interpreting secondary sources for his own means, to present information from entirely his own perspective leads, however, to several major problems with the text, which will be discussed later in this review. In the book, Headrick spends a long time discussing inventions of relevance in this period; for example, much of the book is devoted to a discussion of anti-malarial drugs and how they enabled Europeans to travel, live and work in the tropical regions. This discussion is not, however, centred around why there was a desire to colonize and conquer these regions and its people; indeed, the book steers away from this subject at every opportunity, almost as if it is something not to be discussed. Yet this is precisely the issue that is opportune in such a tome: in scientific or technological achievements, it is usually the motivations which drive people to achieve leaps of progress, and not the leaps of progress themselves which drive people to want to achieve technological or scientific advancement. It would have been extremely interesting, as a reader, to be presented with alternate arguments for why at this particular point in history, aside from technological advances which enabled travel to these regions to become easier, Europeans decided to travel to these regions - what were they seeking Where did the funds for travel and expeditions come from How did they plan and execute journeys and colonisation strategies A more strategic analysis of the era, in terms of political and economic motivations would have been welcome, as this would have offered a complete picture of the events of the time, which

Information System Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 14000 words

Information System Security - Essay Example 31): Computer systems thus have to be constantly available, secure and accurate. To ensure this, adequate and effective risk management practices must be in place – that is, risk management must be effectively integrated into an organization’s existing security model, having readily available solutions for security threats and being ever vigilant for novel security threats as they develop. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of risk management as part of the security model of modern information systems. To address this objective, the researcher primarily undertook a comprehensive review of related literature. The gained knowledge is then applied to a case study to illustrate the potential value of the area under investigation. For ensuring system security, an organisation ought to implement an efficient security model and carry out certain analyses and implementation steps. This Question will research how Risk management is defined in the literature and of which components it consists of. In addressing risk management, the role of risk analysis is investigated as an important tool in analysing the shortcomings of an organisation’s security system. It will then identify the different methods available to organisations to implement a sound risk management paradigm. For the identification of the risks faced by modern information systems, the researcher identified and presented the most common risks and threats a modern information system faces today and how they have developed over time. The study investigated several external and internal risks and the technologies used by people who pose threats. The researcher proceeds with a detailed analysis of the available technologies for risk reduction in information systems. Dutta & McCrohan (2002) assert that commercial operations have always been wrought with security problems, and over the years, several ways of responding to these issues have evolved. The increasing popularity

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Climate Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Climate Change - Research Paper Example It cannot be denied that GLOBAL WARMING was under consideration by almost every country and different measures are been taken to prevent but it is required on a very large scale with a contribution of every individual living in. It can be done in a lot of ways for example promote plantation, avoid using plastic products as it a non-biodegradable item and a main source of pollution, energy conservation, recycling of goods, preservation of natural resources, and banning the burning of fossil fuels which contributes highly in the destruction of the ozone layer which works as an umbrella or a shelter from strong sun radiations affecting the globe directly .All these factors are causing Global Warming which works as a driving force for the fluctuations in Climatic System. Climatic change does not only affect the nature but majorly affects the living beings. Whereas, drastic changes are coming up because of the activities done by the masses for worldly pleasures for which natural resources are continuously been misused and immeasurably been wasted. There are some major changes in the climatic system which occurs because of the rise in temperatures of the living world. Human Influences is directly propostional to the global warming. Following are Sub-reasons for the change in climate cycle: Orbital Variations Solar Output Volcanism Ocean Variability Plate Tectonics These are the regions where fluctuations occurs and affect the globe and each will be discussed thoroughly further in this report. It is recorded previously in surveys that Climatic Changes are affecting adversely on Biodiversity. This is alarming for the species which are already left with a handful numbers like Polar Bears, Indus Dolphins and many more. They are getting affected because of the change in eco-system occurring because of the changes in the earth’s crust. As the global temperature rises, it starts throwing off to cool down. Volcanic Eruptions is one of the cooling processes, when done with the eruption, the temperature of the globe drops down to 0.5 degrees. Same is the case is with Earthquakes and Ocean Variability. Footnote: (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Historical and Archeological Evidences: It is studied in the continuous research being done in this aspect and different historical and archeological evidences are pouring in that how the climate used to be in a particular region and how it has become after several years. Civilization changes also predict to a certain level of how the climate probably was. According to archeological evidences, researchers have put their efforts on different areas of life through which they might get to the key. Some of the under consideration areas of life which can predict or can give a clue to the present world that climatic cycle have changed to what extent and whether good or bad. The following are: Glacier changes: Glaciers are the most sensitive indicator of the climate change because of its immediate reaction to any changes in the temperature. There are two things which can contribute in the shrinkage and growth of the glaciers, they are orbital variability and external forcing. Evidences are found because glaciers leaves moraines that contain an anonymous amount of material including organic matter

Information System Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 14000 words

Information System Security - Essay Example 31): Computer systems thus have to be constantly available, secure and accurate. To ensure this, adequate and effective risk management practices must be in place – that is, risk management must be effectively integrated into an organization’s existing security model, having readily available solutions for security threats and being ever vigilant for novel security threats as they develop. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of risk management as part of the security model of modern information systems. To address this objective, the researcher primarily undertook a comprehensive review of related literature. The gained knowledge is then applied to a case study to illustrate the potential value of the area under investigation. For ensuring system security, an organisation ought to implement an efficient security model and carry out certain analyses and implementation steps. This Question will research how Risk management is defined in the literature and of which components it consists of. In addressing risk management, the role of risk analysis is investigated as an important tool in analysing the shortcomings of an organisation’s security system. It will then identify the different methods available to organisations to implement a sound risk management paradigm. For the identification of the risks faced by modern information systems, the researcher identified and presented the most common risks and threats a modern information system faces today and how they have developed over time. The study investigated several external and internal risks and the technologies used by people who pose threats. The researcher proceeds with a detailed analysis of the available technologies for risk reduction in information systems. Dutta & McCrohan (2002) assert that commercial operations have always been wrought with security problems, and over the years, several ways of responding to these issues have evolved. The increasing popularity

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Aggression and violent behaviour Essay Example for Free

Aggression and violent behaviour Essay The media of video and computer games is a phenomenon, which has developed rapidly since its first incarnations of simple graphical games, to todays 3D rendered worlds which players are able to inhabit and explore as they wish. The gaming culture which has followed plays an integral part in contemporary society not just for the youth market but also for many adults, as a gateway to escape their everyday lives and express themselves within a gaming environment. This is the new media format much like television and radio with their introduction into the mainstream, the need to study and explore the implications has attracted scholars, and businesss to explore this new media, attempting to understand its effects on contemporary society. The amount of money and time spent by consumers on these game platforms and software has pushed them to the front of the entertainment market place, with several multinational companies vying for market dominance within this expanding industry (Calvert 2002). The research into violent video games and post play aggression is one of the key study points for this media source. The idea of played aggression transferring into real world situations generates a moral panic within society, and so researches are keen to discover any links with play and real life aggression or to dispel the fears of the public which have been scare mongered by the mass media. Moral panics such as video nasties are similar to the notion of game panics, both are especially aimed at young children for whom society deems to be susceptible and vulnerable to impressions from the mass media, and in this essays case their exposure to violent video games. The key to the difference with the notion of game panics is the interactivity between the player and the game mechanics, the player is able to decide what happens within the game as long as its within the game boundaries, for violent games this includes the abundance of killing computer generated characters, and this is the concern of the parents and oppositions to the graphic games available. Recent events such as the school shootings in Columbine, America have led to increased magnification on the topic and therefore more studies are being conducted trying to theorise a link between play and post play. The main research within the gaming context on violence and aggression is aimed towards the effects playing these games has on children. Jeanne B Funks writing on children and violent video games highlights these concerns. She explores the notion that children are high risk players, and after playing the video games they become desensitised to violence, and deviant behaviour within the society that they belong. Funk doesnt place a total blame on the games however as she draws on research into pre existing problems within the Childs personality developed within the environment and social surrounding which the child has grown up in, stating that playing these games could lead to the increased development of these problems. Dave Grossman, a US military trainer on the realities of war has a much different perspective to the debate on video games and aggression. He states that the continued playing of the game conditions and trains the youthful player into a killing machine, perfectly honed to kill on sight without a thought for the consequences. He develops the argument of Acquired Violence Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AVIDS), liking the disorder to the virus Aids. The disease doesnt kill you but simple destroys your immune system (Grossman). Arguing that the use of violent video games simple desensitises players, trains them to kill (stimulus response) with no thought for the repercussions of their actions. These two studies outline two different ideas on the argument of video games and aggression, but neither conducted first hand testing of the hypothesis of post play aggression. A frequently cited paper that presents evidence supporting the claim that violence in video games leads to violence in real life is: Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour in the Laboratory and in Life by Craig A. Anderson, Karen E. Dill. The research draws up the hypothesis of General Affective Aggression Model (GAAM). The model included both existing research on human learning and expression and research into media violence effects. The study consisted of two separate tests, a real life test and a laboratory-based test on game players to analyse a link between game play and post play behaviour. Goldstein disputes the merits of laboratory tests on the basis that they are floored due to the subject not playing the game but merely doing as they are told, so the same feelings, and experiences are different to those when the subject is truly playing the game in the comfort of their own home, with individual aims to achieve. The findings of the Anderson and Dill study supported the GAAM model in that post play aggression was evident. This is one of the few studies which have been conducted with any credibility on the topic of game panics, yet the topic is still wide open due to the lack of empirical research for which solid conclusions on the links between play and post play can be drawn. Freedman states that the lack of experimental research is fundamental in not being able to draw a clear link. He states that the demand factor, where the subject believes he has to react in a certain way and the ability to measure post play aggression are two factors which have thus far underlined the research in to video games and violent behaviour. These problems could be rectified by the increased proportion of studies, of by the drawing up of a new study method designed specifically for the examination of video games and not one which has been used to monitor other forms of media and post exposure behaviour. The existing research available on the topic of post play aggression is extremely limited with few pieces able to be seen as complete and giving a total answer to the questions answered. The idea that competitiveness within a game is equally to blame, as violent content needs to be explored as the arousal experienced from winning or losing a competition such as a sports simulation can increase the adrenaline within the body causing an outburst of violence (Fienberg 2002). Similarly the link needs to be addressed that not everyone who plays violent games will go out and kill people and so the link between characteristics innate to the individual are to blame for more severe violent acts and the video games at the moment are being lined up as scapegoats for individuals actions and more research needs to be conducted on the subject. Bibliography 1. Anderson, D.A. Dill, K . E. (2000) Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviour in the laboratory and in life [online]. Washington: APA Journals. Available from http://www. apa. org/journals/psp/psp784772. html [Accessed 20/10/03]. 2. Funk, J. B. (2001) Children and violent video games: Are there high-risk players? [Online]. Chicago: Playing by the rules conference. Available from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Visitors Experience On Their Visit To Jantar Mantar Tourism Essay

Visitors Experience On Their Visit To Jantar Mantar Tourism Essay Aim: To understand how destinations are presented to visitors for them to be able to have an experience. This research paper seeks to find out about the experience build of visitors on their visit to a monument, in this case, Jantar Mantar. Jantar Mantar is a place of great historical, astronomical, and astrological value and is in existence since 1724. It is an Observatory built by Jaipurs Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II on the order of the Mughal Emperor, Muhammad Shah to develop a medium to record and compile all the astronomical data and future predictions of time, related to study of the movements of sun, moon, and other planetary bodies. Four more observatories were built by the same Maharaja in other parts of India. The observatory in Delhi was the first observatory built by him. Aim of the Project is to explore number of related questions, including: 1. What are visitors reactions on their visit to Jantar Mantar? 2. How have other tourist places been developed for improving the experience of visitors? These questions were explored through literature review, contextual study, interviews and questionnaires and observations. The paper concludes by analyzing the findings from the data collected and coming up with recommendations for Jantar Mantar Authority (Archeological Survey of India) to consider some changes in the way they present themselves to their audience, i.e., to the visitors. 198 WORDS Research Questions and Data Collection Method Contextual study and literature study Introduction: Jantar Mantar also known as Yantra Mantra which means calculation instrument in Delhi is the place to observe the movements of the Sun, stars and other planetary bodies. Its an astronomical, astrological observatory, a sun dial. It is a monument which has great astronomical and astrological values attached to it. Build: In 1724 by Jaipurs Maharaja, Jai Singh Sawai II, on the order of Mughal King, Muhammad Shah. Later king build four other observatories in India, in Jaipur, Ujjain, Mathura and Varanasi. Location: It is situated in the Parliament Street near the Connaught Place. Admission fee: INR 5 for Indians and INR 100 for the Foreigners. Admission timing: Open from sunrise to sunset. How to reach: Rickshaws, taxis, bus, metro can help you reach this place in time. Nearest railway station: Delhi Railway Station. Nearest metro station: Connaught Metro Station. Reason for its building: To revise the astronomical tables. The monument was built as the significance of a Sun Dial, and to record the astronomical data and future predictions of time, the purpose was to study of the movements of sun, moon, and other planetary bodies. What is an Observatory? A room or building housing an astronomical telescope or other scientific equipment for the study of natural phenomena. Http:// Oldest Observatories in the world: Chinese archaeologists claim that they have found the worlds oldest observatory, dating back to some 4,100 years ago, in North Chinas, Taosi, Shanxi Province. He Nu, a researcher from the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the observatory was not only used for observing astronomical phenomena but also for sacrificial rites. Other discovered sites that fall under the category of the worlds oldest astronomical observatory, includes one in Goseck, Germany, that was constructed around 7,000 years ago, it is called a sun temple and other is the German Stonehenge with construction beginning around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Standing Stones of Callanish in Scotland, are older than Stone henge, being constructed around 2900-2600 BC. In Egypt Nabta Playa, are around 6,000 to 8,000 years old. One of the oldest known sites in the world is Gobekli Tepe, Turkey which is around 11,000-year-old ruins at Gobekli Tepe. Some observatories build during 1700s:  · 1724: Indian observatory of Sawai Jai Singh at Delhi  · 1725: St. Petersburg observatory at Royal Academy  · 1732: Indian observatories at Varanasi, Ujjain, Mathura.  · 1734: Indian observatory of Sawai Jai Singh at Jaipur  · 1758: John Dollond reinvents the achromatic lens  · 1780: Florence Specola observatory Instruments which comprises of Jantar Mantar: The Samrat Yantra : As the name says Samrat which means Supreme. The name completely justifies the instrument because it is in the shape of a giant triangle which represents a sun-dial. Measuring 70 feet in height, 114 feet in length and 10 feet thick which depicts the hours, the minutes and seconds of the day. Its hypotenuse is parallel to the axis of the Earth. It is used to depict Delhis local time. The Jai Prakash Yantra: The shape of an instrument is a hollow hemisphere of concave surface with markings on them. One is treated as Northern hemisphere and other as Southern hemisphere and this one is used by Astrologers to make humans horoscopes. The Ram Yantra: The shape of the instrument is very interesting in itself, it has windows and the edge of windows have marking inscribed on them, and with the help of those marking the observers can find position of sun and moon. The role of this instrument was to track the eclipse and full moon There are two Ram Yantras one to track the moon and other to track the Sun. The Mishra Yantra: Since the name is Mishra, which means combination, this instrument is used to depict the time of noon of various cities across the globe and Delhis local time. It is the only instrument which was not constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II. Ancient Indias contributions in the field of astronomy: The earliest references to astronomy are found in the Rig Veda, which are dated 2000 BC. Astronomical principles were used to explain matters which are related to astrology, like making of a horoscope. Besides from linking astronomy with astrology in ancient India, astronomy continued to develop independently, and resulted into original findings, like:  · The calculation of eclipse occurrence.  · Earths circumference.  · Theory of gravitation.  · Proving that sun is a star.  · Finding number of planets under our solar system. Experience Design: No mans knowledge can go beyond his experience. John Locke Great experiences dont happen by accident. They are the result of deep thought and deliberation. Bill Buxton Experience design is the practice of designing services, events, and environments with a focus placed on the quality of the user experience by providing a relevant solutions. Experience design draws from many other disciplines psychology, linguistics, architecture, environmental design, hazard analysis, product design, theater, information design, ethnography, brand strategy, interaction design, service design, storytelling, and design thinking. Touch points are created between people and the place on the basis of ideas, emotions, and memories. Ronald Jones, describes the practice as working with disciplines, which is an integration between concepts, methods, and theories. According to Jones, the mission of Experience Design is to persuade, stimulate, inform, envision, entertain, and forecast events, influencing meaning and modifying human behavior. Experience designers create experiences that brings change in behavior amongst clients, users, visitors, audiences. Study of how other tourist places have been developed for improving the visitors experience: Eiffel tower, Taj Mahal, Pyramid of Egypt, Great Wall of China provides incredibly powerful image for their respective destinations. These destination works to build an experience for the visitors. Lubbe Berendien,page 154, part5 Tourism management in Southern Africa EIFFEL TOWER Introduction:The Eiffel Tower is located on the bank of the Seine River which is northwestern of the Champ de Mars, Paris. It was build to celebrate 100th anniversary of French revolution. It was built as an entrance arch for an international exposition held in Paris in 1889. After the exposition closed everything was dismantled, the tower remained, to help recover the costs of its construction. It was supposed to be dismantled after 20 years, in 1909, but by then it being useful as a radio transmission tower was discovered by the military. Http:// Build by: The engineering firm of Alexander Gustave Eiffel. Height: Till May 28, 1930, Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure till Chrysler building in New York City, United States. Http:// Reaction of people in 1800s for Eiffel Tower: It was treated as an eye sore. Parisian novelist Guy de Maupassant used to dine very frequently in Eiffels restaurant because thats the only place where he could not see the tower. He wasnt alone in not liking the structure. If it hadnt proven so useful for radio communications it would have been dismantled in 1909, at the end of the lease period. Present scenario: Paris tops ranking in global city image study. GfK roper public affairs media and simon anholt Roper (worlds fourth largest market research company) release 2009 City Brands Index, which captures consumer perception of the image and reputation of 50 major cities worldwide. The Eiffel Tower is the most visited paid monument in the world and it is one of the most recognized structures on earth. In 2009, Paris topped the GfK anholt city brands index and the Eiffel tower is visually a big part of that brand. Eiffel Tower from inside: The structure has three platforms, to reach to different elevations either stairs or elevators can be taken, in which stairs are only allowed till 2nd elevation, to go to the summit elevator is a compulsion. Counting from the ground, there are 347 steps to the first level, 674 steps tothe second level, and 1710 steps to the third level. While climbing up one can read the small boards explaining about the history of Eiffel tower. Http:// Facilities for visitors: Level 1: This is the largest platform, with room for a cafe, post office with special Eiffel Tower stamp and small museum called Cineiffel showing a short film about the history of the Eiffel Tower and, Souvenir shop. Other attractions on this level include the grand historical staircase, the one Gustave himself used to climb to his office on the top. Level 2: One can experience viewing Paris with telescope, souvenir shops, animated displays on the operation of the elevators, restaurant. Http:// Level 3: Office of Gustave Eiffel. Scale model presenting the history of the platform. It is here one will be able to see that the tower is of communication and transmission importance as it has dozens of antennas of radio and television. There is a table while indicates the Parisian landmarks and distance of Eiffel tower from other places in the world. Engraved names: The names of 72 French scientists, engineers and famous individuals were graved by Gustave Eiffel, under the first balcony, with 18 names on each side. This has been done to pay tribute. Commemorate the French presidency: In mid-2008, the tower was lit from the outside in blue. Visitors Comments, suggestions, tips and their experience Pariss Image:  · Place to fall in love with.  · For the ultimate romantic feeling, theres no need to travel across the globe. Words from Eiffel tower manager: Melissa Drumheller::  · At nighttime, its very romantic, and Eiffel Tower is a popular romantic destination.  · During the day, you get a view of all these mountains which is a phenomenal view. Suggestion by visitors: 1. Visit at Night: It is agreed that Eiffel Tower is magical at night, going up to different elevations ad observing streets of Paris is a visual delight, and makes you realize why Paris is called City of light. 2. Tour to mechanical room: Visitors interested in mechanics can have a look of how Eiffel tower works. Original machineries are placed with current Eiffel tower control room, and the visitors can learn about the construction of the tower. Http:// Http:// 3. Send a Postcard: On the First floor of the tower is a post office. Send postcard with Eiffel Tower postmark to make the trip memorable. Http:// 4. Souvenirs: Around Eiffel tower one can find many vendors selling the Eiffel tower souvenirs, interested people can buy. 5. Visit to the website: visit to the Eiffel tower websites news page, it lists current events taking place on the tower. Http:// Http:// Experience of one of the visitors to Eiffel tower: Akash Bhasin My day started with the touring of the Eiffel tower. The tower has glass-walled elevators which get to the first, second and top platforms. There is a ticket to enter the tower which is around 12-14 euros. Nevertheless, I purchased the ticket and started my journey, the journey of eiffel. Everything about eiffel is special, starting from the entry gate, the glass-walled elevators which gives you a wide view of the lovely city. As there are three levels in the tower, I halted at each one of them as I wanted to have the feel from different altitudes. At last I reached the Top most platform of the eiffel tower. The moment I stepped outside the elevators I was flabbergasted with the view I saw. It was a lifetime view, the one I used to see in my dreams. As I was on a height of 300 meters, there was fear inside but I outstripped it and moved towards the corner. The view of the Paris city I saw from there cannot be defined. It was the most mind-blowing and fabulous scene I have ever in my life. From the top I could see the sienne river just below me, the high-rise just opposite the tower, a playground and traffic moving like ants. The humans from the top were barely visible. On the Top platform, there were arrangements for a pantry and other basic necessities. There was a room in which an effigy of Gustave Eiffel was placed. In another room, there was a list of countries and their distance from the Eiffel tower. I saw India distance that was about 6600 kms, I felt great to see that. I stayed for an hour on that platform and gazed at the view so that I can capture it through my eyes and store in my memory forever and ever. It was lovely, it was great. I actually felt that love in the air, felt like in serene nirvana. This is the moment of my life I actually lived. Statue of Liberty Introduction: The Statue of Liberty or known as Liberty Enlightening the World is a sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, it was designed by Frà ©dà ©ric Bartholdi on October 28, 1886. The statue was a gifted to the United States by the people of France. The female figure represents Liberates, the Roman goddess of freedom, she holds a torch and a tabula ansata i.e., a tablet which represents the law upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence. A broken chain is placed at her feet. The statue is an iconic symbol of freedom, liberty and of the United States. Idea and people behind its making: Bartholdi a sculpture was inspired by French law professor and politician Édouard Renà © de Laboulaye, he commented in 1865 that any monument raised to American independence would properly be a joint project of the French and American peoples. In June 1871,Bartholdi went to New York Harbor, he their fixed on Bedloes Island as a site for the statue, because vessels arrive in New York has to cross that island, which is owned by United States government. In 1875, Laboulaye offered that the French can finance the statue and the Americans canprovide the pedestal and the site for it. Bartholdi visited U.S President Ulysses S. Grant, where he was assured that is would not be difficult to get the site for the statue. The framework was by Euge-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel. Public appearance of the statue: Bartholdi completed the head and the arm holding torch, before the statue was completely designed; two pieces were exhibited for publicity at international expositions. The arm was displayed in New Yorks Madison Square Park between 1876 to 1882. Fund-raising: Efforts were made to raise funds for construction of pedestal in America, but till 1885 work on the pedestal was a big question due to lack of funds. Publisher Joseph Pulitzer started a drive for donations to complete the project. This campaign inspired over 1,20,000 contributors. Construction and Assembly: The statue was constructed in France and was shipped to United States and it was then assembled on the pedestal of what it was then named Bedloes Island. The statues completion was celebrated by New Yorks first ticker-tape parade and a ceremony by President Grover Cleveland. Encharge: The statue was under United States Lighthouse Board until 1901, then it was under Department of War till 1933; since then, it has been looked after by the National Park Service. Renovation: The statue was closed because of renovation in 1938. In the early 1980s, it was found that it had deteriorated to such an extent that a major renovation was required. For the same reason statue was closed from 1984 to 1986. The torch and a large part of the structure were then replaced. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the statue was closed for safety reasons. It then reopened in 2004. Its again scheduled to close by late 2011. Meaning of the statue: The seven rays form a halo or an aureole. They mean the sun, the seven seas, and the seven continents, and the torch represents Liberty enlightens the world. Bartholdis models concept, a female figure in represents liberty, wearing a stole (which is a gown and cloak, and it is common in depictions of Roman goddesses). The face was modeled after sculptors mother Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi. He gave it bold classical look and applied simplified The erected statue is over a broken chain, it is half-hidden by her robes and it is difficult to see from the ground. He decided on to a tabula ansata, a keystone-shaped tablet which is used to realate to the concept of law, he chose to inscribe JULY IV MDCCLXXVI, indicating the date of the countrys Declaration of Independence. Usage of the statue as an Icon: 1971 US airmail stamp depicted the head of the Statue of Liberty. It appeared on coins which were issued to mark its centennial in 1986. An image of the statue was decided for the American eagle platinum bullion coins in 1997. It also appears on the back side of the currently issued series of Presidential Dollar which are currently circulating coins. Two images of the statues torch also appear on the current ten-dollar bill. In between 1986 and 2000, New York State had issued license plates on which statue was used. The Womens National Basketball Associations New York Liberty uses both the statues name and its image as their logo. The New York Rangers of the National Hockey League had the statues head on their third jersey which began in 1997. The National Collegiate Athletic Associations 1996 Mens Basketball Final Four, again had statue on their jersey and used it as their logo. Replica in circulation: A tiny version of the original statue, approx. one-fifth the height of the original, was gifted by the American community in Paris to France. For a patriotic tribute, the Boy Scouts of America, as part to encourage and strengthen the Arm of Liberty campaign in 1949 to 1952, donated about two hundred replicas of the statue to states and municipalities across the United States. Media: In the movies, the torch of the statue helped to set the climax of director Alfred Hitchcocks 1942film Saboteur. The statue was featured as the most famous cinematic appearances in the 1968 picture Planet of the Apes, in which it was shown half-buried in sand. It was destroyed in the science-fiction films Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, and Clover field. In Jack Finneys time-travel novel Time and Again, the right arm of the statue, played a crucial role. On October 15, 1924 it was announced to be US National Monument, and in 1984 it was announced to be a UNESCO world heritage site. Presentation to Public: Inside the statue is a museum for visitors to get to know about the history, importance of the place and about the great minds behind its making, for this the picture gallery is set there, they have audio visual media and multimedia presentations for explaining it easy and convenient way. For kids special program has been installed to get to know the place better and understand it in fun and easy way. For this a program called Junior ranger has been set up in which children from age group of 7-12 can participate. Children are given assignment sheets in which they have to complete the assignment which asks questions about the Statue, answers to which could be found from visiting museum and asking questions from the ranger. In this way the children learn about the statue which will remain with them for time, and as a reward on the completion of the assignment they get certificate and a batch. The Wall of Honor The American Immigrants Wall of Honor at Ellis Island, which is outside the statue, is the largest Wall on which names are written in the world. Over 7,00,000 names are currently inscribed. People can have your family name inscribed at Ellis Island. Along with the inscription people receive a certificate and their names will be listed in Ellis islands website which is an online virtual wall, which can be viewed world wide over the Internet. Benefits of a Name on the Wall of Honor: It is a permanent inscription on The American Immigrant Wall of Honor, which featured exhibit at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. A listing is done of the honorees name and their country of origin, on the Virtual Wall where it can be viewed by the world. And, most importantly, people know that for ages to come their familys name will be on display at Ellis Island, which honors their familys unique contribution to Americas heritage. Visits to places (for primary data collection): Red Fort: It is known for magnificent history of India, where Kings stayed and gave their judgement. To explain the history of India to audience the light and sound medium is used as a tool. Human mind retains more when it hears or see, rather than what it reads, so they work on the same lines and presents history in a fun and interesting way. Gandhi Smriti: It is place where Gandhiji spend last few days of his life. It is an interactive museum, using electronic media. It try to explain about India and Gandhijis Life, they work on the lines of the more you do it yourself the more you gain. I observed the visitor themselves get so involved that it definitely creates an experience and the visit become worth and does not go waste. Finding and Analysis Now in 21st century due to time factor and pollution the marking of the Delhi observatory has become invisible, which means it does not work anymore. Now when visitors visit this place they do not understand how it used to work, because it was all visual game. Though the shadow falls, but the observer needs the marking to find out the time. Visitors to Jantar Mantar and Their activities: {VISUALS} What do visitors do in Jantar Mantar: 1. Get their pictures clicked. 2. Climb up the stairs. 3. Walk. 4. Relax. 5. Wait when some official work nearby has. 6. Some read the description on the boards. 7. College goers come to pass time when they bunk classes. 8. Couples find this place private. 9. Hang out with friends. There are two options available to describe the instruments at Jantar Mantar, guides, and these descriptive boards. Visitors visit and their feedback: One of the visitors to the observatory was a Physics professor from Bangalore, he was extremely keen to understand the instruments because of which he went through every descriptive boards. He was able to get a fair idea that different instruments are used for different purpose. But he was not able to understand how it used to work, what are the different components in an instrument about which is described in board. He was bit upset on his visit, so he gave suggestions to improve the place. 1. To have a scale model of all the instruments, so that the visitors can visually observe the time without imagining reading description about it. 2. As the place is closed in night, and it has a lot of meaning for night time i.e, stars are tracked by using instruments, so to make the visitors clear picture Gallery should be developed. 3. Descriptive boards can be more for one instrument as one board which has too much of text is bit unpleasant to read, it will increase the amount of information which the visitors get. 4. Mentioning of other near by places in Jantar Mantar. 5. The descriptions could be more in audio visual form which the will enable the visitor to retain the images in mind. 6. Package should be developed for educational trips to the place. From other visitors: Something should be done to bring out it functional value to the visitors as the main aim to visit the observatory is to observe time. Current image of Jantar Mantar from visitors point of view: So now Jantar Mantar has built an image for itself in the mind of visitors especially local people, which is that its a place 1. To have fun, 2. Where you can hang out, 3. It has apparently become the famous place for the couples because of which many youngsters go there for bird watching, 4. it is famous for all protest related activities in the city. Visitors see this place like this because what they want they do not get to see that there, i.e., The working observatory. Visitors from the entire globe come to view this ancient astronomical delight to fill their curious minds about the usage of the various tools and methods applied during those past centuries for calculations and predictions, but their curious minds remains unanswered. For now Jantar Mantar is not creating or have impact on visitors mind, it fails when it comes to leave an impact on visitors mind. Its not the fault of the place or the monument since it is an observatory and visitors visit it to see how in ancient time, these giant structures used to work, they come with curious minds which apparently remains curious because there answers do not get solved, as the observatory is a non working structure now as its marking has got erased over the period of time. A place builds its image at following step:- On the visit plays a major role as the visitors come to the place and experience it but if that experience is not memorable or something that person does not feel proud about his post visit activities would not be there, as in the visitor will not spread about it, will not post anything/less on internet, will not be encouraged to write articles. 1st visitors post visit become the prior to visit of the 2nd visitor, so its a circle/ chain which is followed. Example: when the 1st visitor visits to Eiffel tower, on the visit he is offered a package to experience so many things, and he takes back home a bag full of experience and memories so post visit he will be encouraged to spread about it amongst the friends, will upload pictures, write up on internet and will share the memories with people around, will have souvenir to share, and will be encouraged to write an article. :: this is what happens when people come after their tour to Eiffel. Now his post visit will be prior to visit for other potential visitors, who will be encouraged to plan a visit to the place. Conclusion Jantar Mantar being an astronomical and astrological observatory has all visual appeal and because of its non working instruments its main motive has disappeared. Visitors visit a place like observatory expecting to make observations using instruments, markings and shadow but on their arrival the scenario changes. In short, their experiences are not great in terms of gaining or understanding the purpose of the monument. While the other tourist places attract more tourists and have a better name because they let their purpose of existence come across the people and they make sure it does not wash off, which creates a space in memory of visitors. Synopsis Jantar Mantar, Delhi, is place which holds great astronomical and astrological value since 1700s when it was build my Jaipurs Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II, to track the stars, sun and moon placement. The present day scenario is that everything sells because it try to creates a memory or emotional bond with the people. Jantar Mantar is one of the monuments which attracts large number of audiences one of the reason except for its values is that its in Connaught place. Observatory is not working now, the visitors except for large red structure dont get to see anything as the observatory is something in which you observe and not imagine, the same happens with every visitors. A lot of imaginations go in for those who are interested in knowing the working of observatory, which can be misleading. Now, its the age to sell place by providing a unique experience, the other tourists places are doing it by creating an whole package for the visitors, which they can take home as a nice experience. Travel has become a part of lifestyle and tourist plans there tour keeping in mind the place which suits there style. The tourist places follow it, although it make the place commercial and might hurt the sentiments of the stake holders, but for doing so related authorities should agree and then think about the changes, and improvements. Its the time when Jantar Mantar s